
Why do mice like boerewors spice?

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After keepiing the mice out of the house the whole winter, the cheeky buggers have found a way back into the kitchen and have taken a liking to our precious pack of boerewors spice. Not bread, biscuits, or even the fruit. Is it the coriander?




  1. They might be after the salt in the spice.

    You're already past winter? Wish it was SA. Winter have only just started here.

  2. Weevils also like spice, I bought some from a cheap spice shop, after 6 months ALL my stuff was infested ... I was spicing up some lamb when I saw the spices "running" over the meat - YUK

  3. You could try soaking Ra-tax in sherry or you should try some cheese - or get yourself a cat, mine is not an option, friends or not........but if you could send us some heat i might reconsider (^_^)

  4. Koz it shmaaks kief! "We're MICE, we're MICE and we love love love BOEREWORS SPICE".

    Oh, and it makes them dance a little jig (sokkie) after they've scoffed it down, so wait up next time, and watch them in action. Also, it is not very well known, but no matter where the mice hail from, after having consumed the said spice, they become fluent in Afrikaans.

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