I have spent many long nights considering just that. Rome fell, so did Egypt. Britain fell, so did........Why can't America fall? Why!
We are egotistical, narcississtic, live in homes the Chinese actually own (and Japanese and England and.....others, basically), drive cars that those countries actually own as well, yet think we will never fall; think we will succeed 'cause Bush and Obama and McCain tell us on a stage that "it's an impossibility." What did---somebody, tell me!--- the masses (the middle class) think at the height of the Pax Romana, when the internal wars were over and peace was established througout "most" of the empire (and I'm only talking this period since it was the Romans last stage and hopefully some people know history on here)? What did most people (middle class, again) think while Octavious (George Bush or McCain or Obama) had the idea of invincibility spread throughout the empire? They thought falling was out of the question?
Ask your yourself how many middle class Americans "actually believe" this country will not fall, their babies will always get good healthcare, their houses they will own forever, their cars will always be fueled and "cranked and ready to head to the ballgame"?
Ask yourself! Then get back with me.
The number, yes, I know, is outrageous. You gremlins belive the propoganda.
Thanks, middle class. I love my beach house, but when George Bush defaults on all US credit, demonetizes the US dollar, blows up another city and declares Marshall Law, I will have you to thank. *puts forth hand for a shake*