
Why do modernparachutes have holes on their top?

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Why do modernparachutes have holes on their top?




  1. Actually, all but the earliest paracutes had a vent in the top. What this does is keep the air flowing through the parachute, which keeps it stable and inflated properly. The idea is to slow the fall to a safe rate, not stop it. If the hole is too small, the chute doesn't flow and it will riplle and possibly collapse. If the hole is too big, it will not slow you down enouh. There's a bit of calculation necessary for parachute design. Most parachutes in use today are airfoils. Roughly rectangular, they have pockets through them that fill with air, making it somewhat rigid and giving it a wing's shape. This lets the jumper glide and allows him to direct his fall by pulling on the wings shape. These also have to have the proper airflow through the parachute. Basically, the holes are there to use airflow to keep the canopy stable.

  2. Yes more control. The vents let the air get distribute evenly and actually escape the canopy.

  3. more control

  4. Actually, modern parachutes do NOT have a hole in the top. Modern paracutes are not even round - they are rectangular.  When deployed they form a type of airfoil, allowing the skydiver to fly the chute with a great deal of control.

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