
Why do more women like chocolate than men do?

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I LOVE chocolate but I don't like white chocolate one bit! :)

Also, I never see women purchasing men chocolate. I don't see men eating a pure bar of chocolate not nearly as often as women do. I have never heard a man say "I love chocolate" but Ive rarely if ever heard of a woman who hasn't said that.




  1. I don't! I never got it either. I hear some women say it makes them feel better, blah blah blah. It does nothing for me. I mean ocassionally I enjoy a piece (maybe like once every couple months) but other than that I don't each chocolate at all. And I don't get cravings. Even when I'm "pms"ing I barely crave sweets. I get hungrier, but anything, can curve the hunger, not just chocolate. And I don't get cramps. It must be my diet.

    But to conclude--maybe it is the psychological comfort it brings them! :D

  2. More women tend to eat out of emotion than men.

  3. Eating chocolate releases chemicals in the brain that are similar to the ones released during s*x.

    I'm confident that I love chocolate as much as, or more than most women.

  4. That's a misconception perpetuated by the media and marketing campaigns ... there's no hard evidence ANYWHERE that says women like chocolate more ... but we sure are more vocal about it.  

    But seriously though, I dare anyone not to love white chocolate ...  

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