
Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?

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My friend joked that some people taste better to mosquitoes. Is that true? And is it possible to "make yourself taste bad" to mosquitoes?




  1. One mosquito bite is annoying, but to be continually bitten by those little creatures can drive you crazy. Even worse, the friend standing next to you seems inexplicably mosquito bite free. The reason why mosquitoes are attracted to some people and not to others can be summed up in a single word: smell.

    Scientific research has shown that if you are frequently bitten by mosquitoes, it is because of the smell you give off. Mosquitoes are attracted to the smells of certain people. If a person is rarely bitten, then his or her body gives off a smell that masks the scent that attracts mosquitoes.

    The body's masking odors act like a natural repellent to mosquitoes. People who are bitten less frequently, or not at all, emit chemicals that repel mosquitoes. Mosquitoes recognize these smells as something they would not like to feast on and fly to someone else. Recent research has been undertaken to narrow down the smells that are attractive and repellent to mosquitoes. The research was at first described as similar to looking for a needle in a haystack, but scientists have since managed to track down and identify around 30 chemical compounds out of 300 that can protect people.

    The mosquito bite repellents currently available on the market work on much the same principle. They mask the attractive body odor that mosquitoes like. Some mosquito bite repellents are plant-based in odor, causing the mosquito to sense that the wearer is a plant and look elsewhere for its food.

    The importance of the tests to find a masking order goes beyond solving irritating little mosquito bites. A mosquito bite is not just annoying; it can present a real danger to humans. Mosquitoes carry dangerous diseases, such as malaria. Malaria is the cause of millions of deaths every day and a significant problem in many African countries.

    After determining the masking odor that deters mosquitoes, the next step is to duplicate it. If this is possible, then further tests will make sure it is safe to be applied to human skin. If this is successful, then a whole new type of mosquito bite repellent will be available. These repellents should be safer and more natural than previous repellents, as they will be based on the skin's natural masking agents.

    Another way to avoid a mosquito bite may be to stay close to friends who are never bitten. Until the new mosquito bite repellent is available, this might be the safest option.

  2. Mosquitoes bite some more than others because of the taste of your blood. By eating alotta garlic in your diet or enough is a good and easy way and also cheap way of keeping away mosquitoes, thats if you like it of course.

    Mosquitoes hate the taste of garlic, it also does the opposite effect of making your blood sweet.

    hope that clears it up!

  3. it's all about your blood type, they can bite you millions and not to your friend

  4. mosquitos ar attracted to sweat.  that is how they find their host.  So yes, sweatier people will attract more mosquitos and be *better tasting* to them.  

    Its not just armpit sweat though so deoderant/anti-perspirant doesn't cut it.  Bug spray is your best bet to "'make yourself taste bad' to mosquitos"

  5. yes drink lemonaide

  6. i've heard something like mosquitoes are more likely to bite

    a) women

    b) blondes

    c) moving targets

    d) people with smelly feet

    ..there were more, i can't remember. i saw this on a tv show a while back.

  7. its like my grandpa says: that you have sweet blood. mosquitoses like you cuz you have sweet blood and your brother doesnt and thats why they don't like him. I don't know how to explain it all scientifically but just wear some stay-of- mosquitioes-or-i-will-kill-you spray. hahaha but seriously that's all i have to say

  8. Im daughter of a famous doctor so hear me out. Mosquitoes go for certain scents and heat rays through your skin pigments. Yes some people actually do taste better to mosquitoes. And chances are you are not getting any more protection with stupid bug spray during the summer. I hope so much I helped. If you have more questions; contact.

  9. a friend always says that some people taste "sweeter" than other...i guess blood type is different and it tastes different to them...

  10. mosquitos are attraced to a target by many means..

    CO2 given off in their breath

    heat emitted

    chemoreception... "smell" if you will (not the same but similar)

    mosquito repellant does work and many lab tests prove it's more effective at masking the odors given off by skin, sweat, and respiration..

  11. I've heard something about if you eat sugary, sweet things you're more likely to get bit, but I really don't agree with that.

    This summer I haven't gotten bit more than a couple times, and I haven't worn any repellent!! (I've been near lakes, woods, and places where other people i'm with are getting bit) I don't know why this is, but it proves the blood type wrong cause I used to get bit a lot more..and obviously my blood type is the same.


    I do know that they are attracted to your breath though.. from some guy who works at a nature center I went to.

  12. different misquitoes like different blood types and different people have different blood types!

  13. it actually has something to do with the smell of perfume you give off or something like that.

  14. they're actually attracted to perspiration alot.

    it's probably the saltiness of it or something.

    but i'm sure it's not limited to only that.

  15. I do think that is true. Because some mosquitoes can be attracted to some peoples blood for example my sister and not attracted to others like me. Well the only way you can make yourself taste bad to mosquitoes is if you put mosquito repellent on yourself. Then they will stay away and not want to suck your blood.

  16. I think it's your blood type or your diet, but I'm not exactly sure either.

  17. their blood is sweeter

  18. the problem:

    because mosquitos bite for your blood, they are attracted to people with "sweeter blood" which basically means they have more sugar absorbed in thier blood.

    mosquitos also like the "odour" of certain people. women around the time of thier menstrual period get bitten by mosquitos more than other women.

    mosquitos like bananas. not sure if this is true or not, but just to be on the safe side, dont eat a banana before you go outside in the summer time.

    the solution:

    wear insect repellent before going outside. some good brands are airoguard and off.

    the cure:

    some people say butter, beer or saliva relieves the itching of mosquito bites. i dont know if this is true but if it works for you by all means go ahead.

    take vitamin b tablets before going outside. mosquitos dont like vitamin b in the blood.

    another method is to dig your fingernail into the centre of the mosquito bite. this releives the itching temporarily.

    scientific studies have produced a new product. it is operated by a small crystal inside the device. you place the device over your mosquito bite and click the button. 5 clicks relives the itching. 10 clicks stops swelling.

    it is only new to the market but it works. go buy one of these for ten dollars. called mosquito click.

    hope i helped to relive your itching :)

  19. hi..i think it just a myth.

    mosquito just like to suck human i think it doesn't matter with your body..but your environment..keep your house clean outside and inside...that i think will reduce mosquito as long your house free from mosquito, the whole family will benefit it..

  20. My friend thinks that if you eat bananas that the mosquitos will not bite you.  He hasn't proved himself correct yet.  

    This also comes from the same guy who thinks that if you bury pieces of sponge in your yard that the sponges will help to retain water thus the yard will be greener longer and less watering the yard, now you know how he got the nickname Sponge Bob!

  21. mosquitos are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas....

  22. it has to do with something the cholerstorel on skin they do prefer some people but at far as your diet helping or not that is not true neither is the peppermint remedy

  23. No. It's not true. It's just some myth. You could spray some "Off" replant on you and your room.

  24. Mosquitoes always bite people for blood, wether female or male. And thats they are made for. Yes, mosquitoes bite more on some people than others. Though science had studied that mosquitoes are attracted to certain body's smell (odour), but it proof a little. Ho...ho...ho..never "make yourself taste bad". You are the bite. Well, suggestion of using repellent may overcome the problem. Some repellent come with good smell lotion and spray. I, too, are the victim of mosquitoes unlike my friend sitting by my side. It's very annoying and itchy. My friend laughs at my funny ugly expression.

  25. People Do have different types of Blood(A, B, AB, or O)

    so im thinking mosquitos might be more attracted to certain types of blood!

  26. i read in several books that mosquitos are attracted to blonde hair and the color blue and the smell of bananas.

  27. I hear that it is because some people have sweeter blood or somthing like that! lol! Sounds weird huh?!

  28. Mosquitoes belong to a group of insects that requires blood to develop fertile eggs. Males do not lay eggs, thus, male mosquitoes do not bite. The females are the egg producers and "host-seek" for a blood meal. Female mosquitoes lay multiple batches of eggs and require a blood meal for every batch they lay. Few people realize that mosquitoes rely on sugar as their main source of energy. Both male and female mosquitoes feed on plant nectar, fruit juices, and liquids that ooze from plants. The sugar is burned as fuel for flight and is replenished on a daily basis. Blood is reserved for egg production and is imbibed less frequently

    Scientists are still investigating the complexities involved with mosquito host acceptance and rejection. Some people are highly attractive to mosquitoes and others are rarely bothered. Mosquitoes have specific requirements to satisfy, and process many different factors before they feed. Many of the mosquito?s physiological demands are poorly understood and many of the processes they use to evaluate potential blood meal hosts remain a mystery. Female mosquitoes use the CO2 we exhale as their primary cue to our location. A hostseeking mosquito is guided to our skin by following the slip stream of CO2 that exudes from our breath. Once they have landed, they rely on a number of short-range attractants to determine if we are an acceptable blood meal host. Folic acid is one chemical that appears to be particularly important. Fragrances from hair sprays, perfumes, deodorants, and soap can cover these chemical cues. They can also function to either enhance or repel the hostseeking drive. Dark colors capture heat and make most people more attractive to mosquitoes. Light colors refract heat and are generally less attractive. Detergents, fabric softeners, perfumes, and body odor can counteract the effects of color. In most cases, only the mosquito knows why one person is more attractive than another.....

    shall we?!!!

  29. yes, technically it is true that some people taste better to mosquitoes than others. its mainly because of the amount of oil and bacteria on someones skin that causes the mositoes to bite someone so much.

    my solution:::

    put any kind of listerine(brand of mouthwash) in a spray bottle, and spray it on you like "off."

    it actually works better.


  30. its just like the smell of a perfume.

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