
Why do mosquitoes inject poison? ?

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just wondering. cuz it seems like it would make more since if they just took the blood and left....




  1. When mosquitos are taking blood, it also gives you some of the blood it was already carrying. That blood might be infected with something like malaria.

  2. I forget the name of the substance mosquitoes inject when they bite you, but It stops the blood from clotting. It makes it much easier for the mosquito to suck out the blood. It just happens to be very irritating to our skin and that is why we itch from it!

  3. Mosquito's actually don't inject poison.If your wondering why you can get diseases its because the mosquito goes around from person to person and if that person has Malaria then the next person it stops at would get.I doesn't inject poison it just leaves a little something from the first person.

  4. You might be referring to the digestive juices that the mosquito would leave behind.  Some mosquitoes also may have mild anesthetic that may cause a reaction in some people

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