
Why do mosquitoes think I am so tasty?

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Why do mosquitoes think I am so tasty?




  1. It is your breath. They love the CO2. That is how they seek you out.

    Want to fool them? Get some dry ice and sit it about 20 yards from you. The will go for the CO2 from the dry ice and leave you alone.

  2. they don't like you really lol.

    they need blood for something to do with reproduction.

    only female mosquitoes bite.  

  3. idk but mosquitos love me too. its actually quite annoying.

  4. maybe your using mosquito repellent

    the only time they go for me is when I use it

  5. they hate vitamin b, so eat loads of marmite or take tablets!!!

  6. eat lots of garlic, when the bite you they wont go back for seconds.

    They dislike the smell and taste

  7. Mosquitos are attracted to CO2.  They fly along the floor sniffing you out so it is very common to get bitten on the feet and legs.  Cover them up, or wear a repellant or stand near someone who they can smell out even easier.

  8. Its just our luck unfortunately. Although I have friends who hillwalk and to prevent mosquitoes/ midgie bites they use Avon Skin so Soft as do the British Army so it must be good.

    I'm also told that eating garlic before hand will help.

    Avoid wearing bright colours as they will be attracted to them first and then want a wee feast. Wear unsented products such as perfume, deodorants etc. as again these will tempt them first.  

  9. you emit more carbon dioxide than average.

    Be careful... al gore hates CO2, and you might get thrown in jail by the global warming n**i gestapo.

  10. try eating lots of garlic, lol seriously though they are attracted to perfumes and deioderants and also the breath that you breath out, so although you cant stop breathing you can try not to use perfumes another thing is use avon skin so soft, for some reason they dont like the smell of this and it keeps them at bay.  Another good trick is to put some dried coffee in some foil and set fire to it, I saw this done in greece and it worked they kept clear from the smoke it produced so I do this in the garden now  

  11. buy some ....Avon Skin So Soft moisturiser that ladies put on after a keeps them off u and gives u soft skin

    EDIT..........i also read a tip that when u are camping put a piece of animal liver on a stick about 20 yards from where u are camping.........they will be attracted to the free blood and leave u alone

  12. apparantly if ya eat marmite the flies don't bite you

    but u either love it or hate it

  13. I don't know, but the last time I tasted you, you were very sweet... ;)

    Kinda like honey.. That went out of date a couple o' years back =/

    To keep away bugs, apparently you can drink vinegar and they will be repelled from the smell coming from your skin. If it's not vinegar, then it's something else at least!

    This question made me LOL by the way xD

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