
Why do most 16 year olds, besides me, think they're so grown?

by  |  earlier

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Be a kid, stop trying to grow up so fast.




  1. i found that at 16 where i lived ( north east england ) almost forced me to be an adult. i think it depends where you are and who you live with.

  2. It isn't only 16 year olds. I have seen it from my 12 year old neice to my 15 year old daughter.

  3. Some 16 year olds think that way..

    But then there are some 16 year olds who are just very responsible.

    I am the second oldest and i had my older sister move out when i was three. I was forced to be the oldest and to have responsibility.. I wasn't surprised at why i 'grew up' so fast.. It's just that i felt extremely responsible. It's hard being a kid and being the second oldest of five kids. That's why i had to grow up faster.

    But if you live in a different environment, enjoy your teen years, you'll never get it back.

  4. Because some kids are forced to grow up fast. So, stop hating. Maybe life isn't a blast being a kid like it is for you. I can honestly say I am SO happy I'm finally 18. I hated being under 18 for many many reasons. Just let them do thier thing.

    **don't judging YOU? I grew up when I was 13. I was working. I was mentally and physically ready to take on the world. As I am now. SOME people are just naturally MORE mature than others. I know some VERY mature kids. All under 18. So YOU stop JUDGING us.

  5. Forreal!

  6. lol im guilty of that sometimes but for the most part i totally agree.

    a lot of girls in my grade are obsessed with finding love. some are willing to do some pretty extreme things in return for 'love' haha. its like come on! we're 16 and we have a few years! why cant we enjoy not caring about finding a mate and stuff while we can?!

    lol of course one of my friends thinks ill die alone because i feel like that but whatever. we should enjoy being young while we can

  7. well well well.....

    young lady i am very much dissappointed at such a question coming out of the mouth of an american girl today. in my days girls never......blah blah blah

    see how boring and geeky it sounds? well i m immaturen im sorta like peterpan who never wants to grow up.

    My advice to all the 16s 17s n18s......

    Live life as a kid n u will never get bored!

  8. i know. they think they are adults. they have s*x and do everything else to be grown up. every age trys to act older than they are. its quite annoying

  9. flamin' skull- being 18 is being a young adult. most kids move out and go to college at 18 that's growing up.

  10. i feel the same way :) im a very imature 17 year old :D

    mind you i dont think i will ever really grow up.

  11. uummm cause when you are grown you have way way more freedom. and how doesn't want freedom?

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