
Why do most Americans not care that the world hates them?

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If Americans dont wake up to what their leaders are doing and stop them, the world will drop every nuke bomb they have on them. China and Russia have already warned of this.




  1. Your hypothesis is laughable. Retaliatory strikes would prevent the very notion.

  2. Because most Americans are too dumb to notice.

  3. sHUT THE h**l UP.....o cause the wourld like China and russia so much more.....the US has way mroe allies than China and Russia remeber the olympic tourch relay all those anti Chinese protesters the would dislikes America right now yes but the wourld hates Russia and espacly China...........thatg being said the US has strong ties with the rest of the wourld throught the EU and NAto they always have the US`s backs abnd we always have theirs....

    and jsut a little fact you nuke us once we rain nukes down on all your major cities via our stealth subs witch are undectable and 80% of our nuke arsneal is located there 6000 nukes able to hit 80% of the wourlds land mass with the abibilty to fire within minutes of an order being issued you hit us with one nuke we hit you with 6000 and dont forget we have the largest most advanced missle defence network in the wourld you`d be luck to get one by and as soon as we found out you launched one you would be dead....

    Now stop sayin the whole wourld is anti American cause their not the Eu and NAto have great respect for America and would back us up and they really hate China they made the Anti American protests look like a normal day compared to the Anti Chinese ones.....

  4. who cares what other nations think. for the most part they are anti american, but are willing to take our financial aid. once we stop writing them checks, they'll start being alot nicer.

  5. Becuase we don't care what others think about us were americans we don't need any united nations wacko, terriost and or french guy to say otherwise were americans and anyone who thinks otherwise should remeber the world wars or what we do for them

    ps obama has big ears

  6. china and russia are the worlds most hated, wake up stop watching TV.

  7. Ohh it matters, it is for this reason the political landscape is shifting in ways American politicians have never seen. We are awake and we are trying to do something about it quick fast and in a hurry.  After this Presidential election it will be a first step, a step that has more humility on the ground beneath it's feet. We know.

    Their is one political party that would rather not debate the issues as you mention, they would rather make up issues. They cannot win on the issues nor their policies they are dead in the water.  

  8. So you're saying that everyone you personally know like's you?  

    Not only that what difference does it make?

    Have you hugged a terrrorist today?

  9. mutual destruction treaties were signed in the 60's if nukes were ever launched......we have 1600 more nukes than the whole world combined.  

    Besides if we spent all our time kissing everyone elses butts who would we be?  We would have no strength with witch to bargain and loose more respect as a powerful nation

    "speak softly and carry a big stick"

    Teddy Roosevelt  

  10. Let 'em try.

    It's hard to be afraid of countries that sit on the sidelines counting their rubles and Euros while innocent people continue to be slaughtered by an ideology of hatred and domination.

    If they are afraid to confront the Islamic terrorists - they damned sure don't want to mess with the United States.

  11. they dont,at least the countries that count!! and futher more i dont give a d**n,were the leaders,not them.

  12. Do you not realize that those classified as Americans are not really Americans but were forced to Americans when they were taking into slavery by the Americans. You put the rest together. Maybe China and Russia and Middle Eastern Arabs need to stop looking at Black , Native American and Mexicans as Americans and classify the Caucasins as Americans.

  13. Americans are raised NOT to care.  The USA is a very insular country, very much like the Soviet Union of the 1950s.  The education system blocks outside the outside world.  The Mainstream media blocks out the world.  I regularly see Americans ask foreign immigrants "what is like in your country?"  Utterly sad.

    It's all deliberate.  The politicians treat the people like dumb sheep.  As the first President Bush once said "If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us."

    And no, I am not being anti-American.  Telling the truth is not anti-American.

  14. Americans don't care .. well frankly .. because they think America is the powerhouse it once was. They are ignorant fuc|<s that are too lazy to move out of their seats and take a stand. If any European country had such a thing as the Patriot Act, all of its citizens would be up in arms, and something would be done. Nope, not in America! I have no words to describe the hatred I have for this country.

  15. If this premise were true, then why are so many foreign nationals doing everything they can to get into our country? Why are there an estimated 1.4 million illegal immigrants a year (INS 2007 report to Congress) and why are so many countries, both in Europe, the orient and in the third world countries follow us, the US, into every fashion, trend and fad? We may not be perfect and have room for some improvements, but hello, reality check, Who is? We are still the best country by almost any measure you care to sight than any other place in the world. sorry if this upsets you. Let me know where you prefer to live, I think I could help you get a one way ticket there as long as you promise to keep your whinny butt out of the US.

  16. Does the world realize if they try that we have enough nukes to wipe out the entire world?

    And I do not care because most of the world turns to us for help the second disaster strikes

  17. Personally, I care very much. Others may think so highly of the USA, that they think America doesn't really do much wrong, and that even if we do, it's okay because we're the biggest and toughest.

  18. It's because the average American isn't aware of Internation Awareness. Most Americans just care about what's inside the United States. The reason most Americans don't care is because they don't know that the world dislikes them.

  19. I don't really care, that's their problem. Their leaders aren't too sharp either.

  20. America is great. Problem is the hidden men behind the scenes (banks, big businesses etc.) who have bought out the politicians.  

  21. China is an evil country.  

  22. "Don't wake up to what their leaders are doing and stop them"... You sound like some who would take a sniper to your, "leader's" head. Americans do care, but our hands are tied. And we can't and won't take a sniper to our "leader's" head, because that's not the way to solver any problem or issue.

    Why don't you go wake up from your dream world, eh?

  23. if your getting kicked in the butt it just means your still ahead and lets see them try were allied with half the world with the strongest military in the world all i can say is bring it  

  24. It isnt our leaders that are pulling the strings. It is some elite global freaks who think they can run the world. Yes they have bought themselves some crooks in our govt. U probably already know they also bought the govts in Europe too. Thats how they got their European Union.

    They R using our military cuz we have the best military. If U were an elite global freak, wouldnt U do the same?

    Dont be angry at the American peeps. We R good folk having been deceived. Many of us R awake. We R trying to wake the others up but with all the fluoride and psychiatric meds in use, the sheeple wont awaken.

    IDK what else to do for the sheeple Xept warn them how the media is a weapon of class warfare. If they get that maybe they can wake up on their own. This film Xplains that.

  25. Most Americans don't care what their next door neighbor thinks of them, why would we care what the world thinks?

    So Russia and China will send all their nukes to America and they will pass all our nukes (well, maybe not all, nobody knows where those ballistic missle subs are lurking) headed for Russia and China. The aftermath will immediately reduce the world's population by about 2 billion, with another 1 billion dying from the radioactive fallout. And that's what keeps Russia, China and all the rest of the world from unleashing their nuclear weapons on the U.S.

    There are better and more productive ways of crippling the U.S. Let Congress have its way and it's only a matter of time.

  26. I don't know about most Americans but as for myself , I know that not to be true . I  spent 2 years in Germany and traveled some in France and Spain. I found the Europeans to be very friendly and open and once they found out I was American.They really seemed eager to practice their english and had plenty of questions about life in the USA . I also had to insist that they let me pay for my own drinks

    The press may play up some of the political differences between Governments but the people do not hate the USA.

  27. Sadly, Americans have been educated to believe that somehow we are special, that we are a level above the rest of the world.  In truth, that is false.  America has only been around for 300 years and as a nation only 200.  China has been a nation for 2000 years and a people for 4000.  It is easy to look down our noses at China or Russia or Iran or Iraq, but we shouldn't.  GW Bush has made it possible for the world to hate us even more than before he became president.  By invading Iraq, by scorning world opinion, he just makes it worse.

    We don't learn foreign languages.  We don't learn foreign cultures and customs.  We don't care but we should.

  28. Man, all these people who criticize your question, are a total trip!! they really have absolutely no clue do they?? Do some people really think that the US has that much clout?? Wake up people!! You really have no idea how many world countries hate america!! the US govt has no clout only the world's society's elite and its not the prez or any of the govt leaders. they are mere puppets of the master plan of this group.  you say you don't care?? well you should cause you think that they care about us?? the h**l they do!! they have americans in such a trance with the whats going in hollywood,  with the latest technolongy gagdets and anything else that takes our interests away from the reality of all this.  When all countries unite in each of the four unions, and finally become one, the new world order, people will be fretting about their future but it will be too late. so put down that cell phone, turn off that tv which does nothing but create mush in your brain, stop fussing over  whatever, and do the research people!! but if you are like most americans, you won't. you will continue to believe the bs the mainstream is feeding, that everything is ok and the the US is everyone's best friend and the most popular one out there that everyone loves, yeah right! the elitist group behind the american govt is not in this for it's people, they could care less.  call me crazy, call me what you want but at the end you will see the truth be revealed.

  29. It won't happen.  The United States has the first strike capabilities and the retailiation ability to wipe out all life on the earth several dozen times.  You want to know why most Americans really don't care what the world think?  We're Americans.  We have the greatest country in the world, we spend BILLIONS helping other countries who can't get their head out of their asses, we send aid to 3rd world countries to help their people because their governments could not care less about them.  We fund 3/4 of the UN and provide almost all the UN force behind any action.  

    The United States have some of the most giving people in the world who are willing to help just about anyone.  You want proof?  Remember the tsunami that hit last year?  What about the earthquake in China?  Or what about the fact the US airdropped food and medical equipment into a country that the UN was told not to by their dictator?   We don't care what everyone else thinks because we are the best.  China has a good defensive power, not much on the offensive.  Russia hasn't been a real threat since the Cold War.

    We're America.  Now shut the **** up.

  30. 1.  No, Real Americans could not care less what the world thinks of the US.

    2.  Neither China nor Russia would consider it for the same reason that Russia did not during the cold war...mutually assured destruction.

    3.  The rest of the world does not hate us.  I spend 1/3 of each year outside of the US.  When you get to the real people around the world and find their true views of America, they laugh that the liberals think that Americans are so important in the world that the rest of the world spends all of their time hating us or thinking about us at all.  We are not important enough in their minds to merit that much thought.

    4.  Our GIRL SCOUTS could kick Russia's @$$!

    Reid...this is the case all over the world. know nothing about Europe.  EVERY European country has laws which are MORE invasive than the Patriot Act.  GET A CLUE

  31. I have several theories of this

    First off I think that it is because the United States has been the supreme power of the world for a period of time now, without anyone strong enough or willing enough to challenge the US. With the United States having the number one ranked Air Force, Navy and Army in the world there is little other countries could do to face us. This may not be the case for the following years to come. China has been expanding greatly in the economical growth as well as Brazil getting into the market and stock game. Japan however has generated many rumors of raiding other countries and trying to expand.

    The americans might do care about the rest of the world using up a whole lot of resources and military force to liberate the middle east and in the past several other areas so we could live in peace. This might be because the US government cares, which is not likely, but for their own sake. As I said before the US was the dominate country in the world with a big target for terrorists. This is why we are over at the Middle East as well as the fact of oil.

    Hope I could help


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