
Why do most Americans or American fans get angry or annoyed whenever they lose a competition to China?

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I'm Iranian and of course I will root for China since Asians stick together but I find it funny that when China won the gold medals for gymnastics for both men and women, the Americans brought up (age of the Chinese) excuses or got really mad.

Face it guys China is the next big thing. I'm not talking about only sports but in general also.




  1. They are sore losers.  America and the West judge people by their own standards, when they got to where they are today by using a totally difference standards (ei racism, colonialism).  They don't look at history when they judge people.  History is a culmination of experience that still being felt today.

    Anglo-American people are quick to dismiss, even deminish the Chinese accomplishment but alluding to how centralize their sport system are or their human rights. What they are really doing is making excuses for losing.  They are simply sore losers.

    My answer on why the Chinese sport system works:

  2. The age of the Chinese women on the gymnastics team was brought up before the Olympics even started. So it was not brought up just because they won, it would have been an issue even if they hadn't.

  3. >>I find it funny that when China won the gold medals for gymnastics for both men and women, the Americans brought up (age of the Chinese)<<

    It was brought up BEFORE the games even began and NOT just by the Americans. Here's an article from an Australian newspaper dated July 29, 2008:

  4. many Americans sub consciously ( or consciously ) look down upon the Asian countries, we think they are barbaric and sub par to the Caucasian race because their way of life is so different from ours. I admit I find China  a filthy country with VERY little class among its people. you know its true. I mean for Gods sake, people take a p**s in the movie theater...and ITS THE NORM! How would you feeel if you were watching a film and a stream of p**s comes trickling down the steps.... The same goes to Vietnam and the Philippines. Japan is the only Asian coutnry I think Europeans and Americans can see eye to eye, with respect. This is because the Japanese are pretty western themselves...and they are more technologically advanced than America and many of the European nations.

  5. How would you know? Have you met every single American? lol

    Edit: I have to say this also. People are judging China by the standards of the West. China is NOT a developed country, despite it's fast progress, it is still considered a third-world country. It's unfair to compare the conditions in the United States and China simply because there are different standards. This is something that most American's don't understand.

    Like I said before, you haven't met every single American..Stop trying to single out the U.S. we ain't the only country in the world. Btw, I have been traveling the world my whole life (military brat). So I have experience different cultures and lifestyles.

  6. Americans are not accustomed to losing anything. Most other countries fail at so many things, losing is just another part of their everyday life.  

  7. Seriously, I know a lot of Chinese.. I just can't believe them when they tell me their age. I've guessed many Chinese of age 30s or 40s, and they look like 20s and some of age 18 or 19 year old look like kids. Chinese do have younger looking than their age reflect.

    Also, I don't like the idea that you are singling out every American by saying "US" Not all Americans are like that that gets angry. But truly, we Americans have a different culture than the Chinese. Hence we should not judge China from our 'American' perspective.

    I have to admit, I always try to find excuses to make China look "bad" :P if they beat US in something. But truly, people like me need to change and avoid depicting a bad image of arrogance to the world. Humble ourselves. If we win, we celebrate happily. If we lose, we should also celebrate that we did our best. I expect a peaceful world of harmony (even though it might just be something impossible with so many things happening in the world).

    Our true heroes and our true winners are not the ones that get GOLD, SILVER OR BRONZE medals, but the ones from our hearts since the beginning, even before they departure to the olympic games. The US team is already my hero despite their win or loss. GO US, GO WORLD of SPORTS! =D

  8. Well, tell you what, I'm chinese as well, and I think the female gymnasts are underage. no matter how asians look younger than their actual ages, you still can't have a 16 year old looking like 7 or 8.  

  9. Well, I'd imagine anyone who loses a medal to another country would be upset.  It's not normal to be happy about a loss.  Oh yeah, and China did cheat, so why not bring this up?

  10. We get angry when we lose to China because they're a communist, smog infested, third world country. While we are a democratic, clean aired, FIRST IN THE WORLD country.

  11. I'm not angry at all. In fact, I for one welcome our new communist overlords.

  12. I don't necessarily. I am not happy about it, but I don't have a total cow. I will admit that China's wins may upset many of us out of sheer competiveness and distrust.

    Admit it, don't you always wonder if some of their athelets are above board?

  13. Go Team China!~

    You'll find that those who protest the loudest are often the ones with the worst grammar and spelling.

    America will probably win more medals than the Chinese, but it doesn't change the fact that the Chinese have competed fantastically thus far.

    Although I am Chinese, I have to admit that China needs to fix a lot of social problems before they can progress forward. To America currently, Russia is a hella bigger of a threat.

    Edit: I have to say this also. People are judging China by the standards of the West. China is NOT a developed country, despite it's fast progress, it is still considered a third-world country. It's unfair to compare the conditions in the United States and China simply because there are different standards. This is something that most American's don't understand.

  14. Americans are pretty racist people. Even asians living in the U.S. don't get treated very well but the U.S. has double standards. They will criticize other countries about human rights but racism, crime, etc.. is still a very big social problem in the U.S.

    To sum it up, Americans don't like to see asians win against them. It's just like the Vietnam War. After the U.S. lost and had to pull out of Saigon there were all sorts of movies and excuses made trying to explain why.

    China is the "new" competition for the U.S. Americans see Asians as inferior people..just like how white Americans see minorities as inferior in America. So when Asians dominate in sports or war they got all agitated because it disrupts their world view as being superior.

  15. i'll eat your a*****e alive you *****

  16. I don't care about gymnastics but....I doubt some of the Chinese are 16...

    Can you imagine some of them driving cars. LOL

  17. Americans are so used to winning everything.

    Too bad it's not the case now.

  18. They don't, you sound like a jealous foreigner barking off lies to make you wanabee country look better.

  19. I think its funny that while Americans seem to get annoyed most when China wins, almost all other countries get upset and feel the same towards usa wins, they would all probably root for any team that can kick usa ***.. china included.  

  20. Like I said in my earlier post, since some countries do not abide by the age limits then they should take age limits off so it will be fare to all countries.

    Ok lets put it this way.  I don't think that most Americans are upset or annoyed when they lose to China as long as it's a fare competition.  To put it simply rules are put in place in every sport and when the rules are broken then it can become a lop sided competition.

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