
Why do most FM stations have talk shows in the morning?

by  |  earlier

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The few saps that still listen to FM radio don't want to hear some DJs trying to make jokes or talk about c**p -- we want MUSIC. The people who want the talk goto AM. Anyways, like I said, I know there are only a handful of people that listen to radio/talking DJ's/commercials too given that digital music players are so cheap...but you'd think FM broacasting would be doing everything they could to make their program more attractable to listeners -- more music, no talk, some commericals.

My 2cents.




  1. to answer your question, Its Howard Sterns fault. he was #1 all over the country with a talk show. Monkey see monkey do. And I agree it should be music.

  2. I totally understand what you mean! I don't even like talking to my own family in the morning! Why would I want to hear a bunch of other people talk nonsense on the way to school?! I can't stand it, it gives me a headache! I wish they had talkshows in the afternoon or something, cause I like to hear straight music in the morning, and if I can't I just turn the radio off!

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