
Why do most americans think that bin laden speaks for muslims?

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Terrorist are NOT muslims, they're terrorist. It makes me angry that many are so closed-minded. There are many contradictions in the bible that people like to 'translate' to fit it's

intricate structure. The fact is that whether you are jew, christian or muslim - we believe in the SAME GOD and we must love and be good to one another. Just my opinion.




  1. bcaus america control by zion!! they branwash poeple..

  2. We all don't.  Just those that believe everything the six o'clock news says. Many know that terrorists are not specific to one race, religion or people.

  3. Ah well unfortunately, my mom is one of those close-minded racist folks... I really disapprove of her beliefs in that though.

    I do agree with you, Bin Laden does NOT speak for all Muslims, and it's wrong to think that. I have numerous Muslim friends that are so kind and loving..they're great people. Bin Laden is just part of some outside group that believes in terrorism and he just happens to be Muslim or I don't know much about him and that stuff, but I do know that not all Muslims are part of some plot to kill America - like my mom thinks Barack Obama is set out to do....

    which for the record I know he didn't group up with Muslim beliefs, he is a Christian who happens to be born to a Muslim father.

    oh and something taken from someone i know's profile:

    "contrary to popular belief, i don't live in a hole.

    being muslim is not a disease, you will not turn into one by standing next to us.

    all muslims are not terrorists,....."

  4. Icelandic beauty Islam is not the way you see it. For those Americans who say all muslims are terrorist because of bin laden then stop complaining about anti-americanism and about how people call America evil, I guess we deserve that as well.

  5. Sorry, sadly not everyone can be bothered to think in an open minded way. Stereotyping is just the easiest thing to do.

  6. I don't know anyone who thinks all Muslins are terrorists or that Bin Laden represents all Muslims.  

  7. People tend to get uncomfortable when a religion and its holy book push for the elimination or converting all non-believers; exploiting fools obsessed with political correctness (via a public relations campaign),  claiming they're all innocent victims of irrational fear.  It's an insult to the intelligence of anyone who can read.


    Sura 4:76 Believers fight for Allah; disbelievers fight for the devil. So fight the minions of the devil.

    Sura 4:89 They desire that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, so that you might be all alike; therefore take them not as friends until they fly in Allahs way; but if they turn back, then seize and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

    Sura 4:101 ...surely the unbelievers are your open enemy

    Sura 6:111 Most unbelievers are ignorant.

    Sura 8:65 Exhort the believers to fight. They will win easily, because disbelievers are without intelligence.

    Sura 9:29 Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah ... until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

    Sura 9:73 Fight the disbelievers and hypocrites. Be harsh with them. They are all going to h**l anyway.

    Sura 60:1 Don't be friends with disbelievers. They are your (and Allah's) enemy.

  8. didnt he like get educated in the states and stuff cause he's really smart ?  

  9. Bin Laden speaks for 5% of the Muslims out there.

    like the Muslims  demonstrating at the Danish Embassy

    in London.

    holding signs - slay those who insult Islam

    chanting  may  Osama bomb you

    7/7 is on the way UK you will pay.

  10. Condi Says Islam Is a Religion of Peace and Love.

    “We in America know the benevolence that is at the heart of Islam,” Condoleeaza Rice remarked. “We’ve seen it in many ways.”

    Muslim benevolence may be glimpsed in a ceremony just days ago in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, where Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Sudais (imam of Mecca’s Grand Mosque) received the Islamic Personality of the Year Award.

    In a 2003 sermon, Sheikh Love prayed that Allah would “terminate” the Jews, who he benevolently called “the scum of humanity, the rats of the world, prophet killers … pigs and monkeys” (the latter comes from the Koran). On other occasions Al-Sudais referred to Jews as “evil,” a “continuum of deceit,” “tyrannical” and “treacherous” – doubtless, all terms of endearment among devotees of the religion of peace and love.

    Rice went on to observe: “We in America also know that Muslims … possess certain basic rights that arise from our equal human dignity.  Among these are the right to live without oppression, the right to worship without persecution, and the right to think and speak and assemble without wrongful retribution.”

    Pity Muslims don’t extend the same rights to religious minorities in their counties -- Christians in Nigeria, Jews in Iran, Orthodox in Kosovo, Egyptian Copts, etc.

    Earlier this month, there were riots outside a Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt.  It took 5,000 police to quell the crowd protesting a play at the church which it believed had defamed its adorable religion.  Days before, a Muslim stabbed a nun to retaliate for the sale of a DVD of the play.

    Crossing “peace and love” can be a risky business.

    Besides puckering up for the Prophet, our Secretary of State indulged in some unabashed America-bashing.  After ritual garment-rending over the sin of segregation, Condi pontificated, “So, of all nations, America has no cause for false pride and we have every reason for humility.” (Perhaps it was her years in academia that taught Rice to babble fluently.)

    No reason for “false pride,” huh?  It must have been the Saudis who launched us into the computer age. Guess it was the Egyptians who spent half-a-century feeding the world’s hungry.  Were those Iranians hitting the beach on D-Day? – probably not, given that most adherents of the religion of peace and love were rooting for the n***s.

    Her fondness for Islam must be behind Rice’s advocacy of a Palestinian state. Why limit the love to only 1,000-plus dead Israelis in the past five years?

    In all of existence, there is no greater dichotomy than between the way Islam is portrayed by its Western admirers and the way it’s practiced by its more enthusiastic adherents. Wherever large numbers of Muslims come in contact with “infidels,” all jihad breaks loose.  That’s as true on the West Bank as it is in the Kashmir, as much a reality in the Philippines as the Balkans and as sure in West Africa as it is in Indonesia.

    There are two possible explanations for this phenomenon:

    1) Islam is indeed a religion of sweetness and light which, for some inexplicable reason, tends to provoke the wrath of non-Muslims of every variety.

    2) Islam is an atavistic cult (more ideology than religion) whose tenets glorify holy war, teach contempt for other peoples, foster toxic resentment and inspire megalomania among its followers.

    Yet, reality notwithstanding, Western elites insist on seeing Islam through Condi-colored glasses.  No amount of suicide bombing, anti-Semitic agitation (Jordanian TV is airing a series on the Jewish conspiracy for global domination – The Protocols of The Elders of Zion for Dummies), rampant misogyny, persecution of Christians or slaughter of innocents is allowed to penetrate this mindset.

    Love (as well as body parts) was in the air in India on Saturday, when bomb blasts in two crowded New Delhi markets killed 61, among them a number children. While no one has claimed responsibility, police are saying it has all the earmarks of the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, the jihadi group attempting to wrest the Kashmir away from India.

    Isn’t it odd how the religion of love and peace often inspires such murderous rage among its disciples?  I don’t recall Moses, Jesus or Buddha saying, ‘If you kill infidels, you’ll go straight to heaven and get 70 doe-eyed virgins in the bargain.”  While most religions went through a violent stage, Islam’s has lasted for almost 1,400 years – and counting.

    The standard Western response is that terrorism in the name of Islam is the work of fanatics, extremists – a fringe element that somehow has managed to misinterpret its peaceable and adorable faith and turn it into an incendiary device.

    This overlooks opinion surveys in the Islamic world which show substantial support for the Muslim version of Murder Inc.  It also ignores the fact that, despite constant urging and every opportunity to do so, so-called Muslim moderates somehow never get around to repudiating jihad violence.

  11. I agree; I also think that if a religion is based on good morals and have the same loose structure of a God or Creator that they really are just different versions of the same thing.  It's our different cultures' interpretations of the same idea.  And the thing is, I don't even believe we have to "love" everyone, but at least tolerate.  If everyone gave all people that respect of tolerance, the world would lose many of its difficulties created by man.

    In regards to your top question, people are just very ignorant and do not take the time to educate themselves.  Many people are just brainwashed by what the media tells them and don't go outside those little things they hear to learn all sides of a story (sorry everyone, the media isn't truthful and unbiased at all times).  Also, when people feel violated by someone, whether directly or indirectly, they jump to accuse.  The funny thing is, when people are indirectly offended/violated, they tend to be even faster to jump to accusations or conclusions, and to a much deeper degree.  The American people did not wait to educate themselves because they so quickly jumped to accuse all Muslims since they know nothing about them.

  12. Some of them don't think he exists ..... they think he was made up by the goverment  

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