
Why do most black men complain about not finding a strong black women, when they always reject us?

by  |  earlier

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Men seem to show ignorance about the way black females look and act and they always seem to choose their mate over physical attributes. If we don't look a certain way, or act a certain way..we are rejected. Most of the black men I have talked to say that I act white, so that would consider me weak. But yet, they want a girl that looks white..(long weaves, colored contacts)...and I find it very sad...

Both of my parents are African..I am a very strong black female..I have endured so much trials and tribulations in my life...I am the epitome of strength...why are they forcing me to date outside my seems that more white and latina men accepts me for me....




  1. Imagine the man that you want.

    Think about him.

    Every little detail of what you need him to be like.

    Think of this a lot, like meditating - then let it go and dont think about it, just go about your business.

    Dont try and figure out HOW you would meet him, or how or why it could happen..dont try and imagine any of that...just imagine him,

    and then let it go, and go about your day and your life.

    Think of him again, and what he should be like when you are going to sleep a couple times...for a week or two.

    Then forget about it, dont think of it. (Let the wish go and go about your day.)

    Do this.  And he will show up.  It's like praying (it is praying) (but LEAVE OUT the "please god" stuff...dont ASK god, dont do that,(((because it expresses doubt when you 'ask'...your god knows what you need without you explaining it  and advice i ever got was to just know what you need, and that it'll be there when you need it, then say thankyou afterwards)))

    so...just imagine what you need in every detail and dont imagine how youll get it and dont ask god for it...and it'll show up.

    I know it seems a little bit like magic, but thats precisely how life is.

    (Why do you think people knock on wood when they mention something bad they WOULDNT want to happen?  They KNOW this is how it works. And it is.

    Life is SUPPOSED to be easy, like this. (It's only hard when you center on thoughts of not knowing where or how to get what you forget about trying to think of how it can happen...just 'let go and let god"  ...know what you need, in your heart (he'll hear) and he'll fill in the details. perfectly.

    Put this to use for yourself, sweetheart. And know that there are those who are wishing for you to have what you need as well.                    -Elmer

  2. Most black men are idiots who cannot think for themselves or rather, choose not to think for themselves and therefore don't know what the h**l they want. And if you don't know what you want, you certainly can't get it.

    Enjoy your out of race suitors, soak up their attentions. Wish I could say the same for myself.

  3. it matters were u live a lil bit. not every black man is that way it just matter how they were brought up. i think some black girls are hot just like i think some white girls or asian or hispanic, it mostly just depends on if we click or not. but i'm not what u would call a average black man. i skate, snowboard, golf and ride dirt bikes.

  4. I believe that the way you have found things are the way they'll always be until that segment decides to accept responsibility. Saying you act white is a cop out from those afraid of you which means you must present a strong personality. Enjoy the white and latino attention..

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