
Why do most black people discriminate when in large groups?

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whenever i am around a whole lot of black people, they are always stereotyping white people, hispanics, etc. why do they feel that they have this right and white or others can't discriminate equally towards them, that is without people thinking they are part of the ku klux klan. Just so you know, i am of mixed race, as is most of my family, so i find this extremely offensive.




  1. Every culture has racist, white's get in trouble for it.

  2. I find this question to be extremely foolish.  If you are mixed race (uhm hm) then you should know better than to lump everyone together as if they did ot have separate personalities and brains.  If someone did this to you, then you need to ask them why.  Anyone (no matter their ethnicity) does this sometimes when they are with their buddies, and sometimes their buddies are of a different ethnicity than they are.  You got people like that idiot grzzly trying to make all blacks responsible for Detroit and all of Africa (which is a continent) while I have never been to either of these places.  Sooner or later the bs has to stop and someone has to start using their common sense, that is if there is any to use.  

  3. That happens with people of every race. I had carpooled with some White guys from my job to a lunch and they were making rude comments about Hispanics. And thought to myself, if I wasn't here, they'd be saying the same thing about Blacks.

  4. Do you know most black people? don't.

    Maybe the black people you're around do that..

    Try not to think that millions of others do.

  5. this man in the news said that Lewis Hamilton was an inspiration to all black youths. but wait a minute, Lewis Hamilton is mixed race. half black half white. so doesnt that mean he is an inspiration to ALL youths? do the white youths not need inspiration?

    and that episode from scrubs, when the doctors have a photo taken for a promotional campaign, and they only ended up using the black doctor on the poster! even he was like, what the h**l??

    its 2008, and were still hearing things like 'shes the first black woman to do this...'  'i want to prove to a ll the black single parents out there that they can do it'. what does been black have to do with it?

    stuff like that. come on. were never going to be able to end all racism against black people whilst things like this are still being said.

  6. They must think you are OK with this. Why do you surround yourself with those type of people?

    I bet you didn't know that some  white people laugh and stereotype at other races when they congregate also.If you look black they are not going to do it around you.

    It is important to expose all discrimination each and everytime. Speak up!

  7. Might have just been that particular group. I love all types of ethnicity. So its most definitely not all black people. Its not just an issue with blacks though. There's discrimination in all race. I believe its totally wrong and it show the ignorance in a lot of people. These are the things that keep racism alive.  

  8. blacks aren't the only people who discriminate

  9. people from all races discriminate and it doesn't have to be in large groups it can be in small or none at all!

  10. and other people dont steriotype blacks? assuming blacks are stupid, in a gang, from the ghetto, ect. are steriotypical things. and i'm very sure that at least once in your life u saw a black person and thought of one of those "popular" steriotypes. now i'm not saying steriotyping people is a good thing, but let's be fair, the steriotypes are the worst for blacks than they are for most other races.

  11. Mutual support.

  12. I get what you're saying. You're not trying to imply that black people are the only people who discriminate, but you are simply saying that it's not as frowned upon if a black people talk about white people.

    This has been getting on my nerves my whole life... Black people ask for equality, well they sure don't act like they want it too much. If they would just stop trying so hard to make white people look like the enemy, then there wouldn't be a negative stereotype on blacks.

  13. This is a known phenomena called deindividuation, and it happens to people of all colors and backgrounds. Deindividuation is a state of lowered self-awareness,resulting from becoming part of a group, such as an army or a mob, but it can also occur in situations wherein people feel anonymous. It can have very destructive effects, sometimes making people more likely to commit a crime, or leading policemen to use excessive force in an arrest. Deindividuation has been hypothesized as a major cause of rioting, such as the violent rioting occurred in the 1992 riots in south central Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Because people in a deindividuated mental state lose awareness of themselves, they ignore external evaluation of themselves by other people, and are unrestrained by their normal inhibitions. Deindividuation occurs when one loses one's social identity and behaves in a manner in which one usually would not behave.

    Another example of deindividuation is the Stanford prison experiment.

    for more information of that go to

  14. Honey...african-americans are not the only one's discriminating. When you put a group of people together with common backgrounds...that is likely going to happen. People of all colors discriminate.

  15. i dont

  16. black people aren't the only people that do that. people from all ethnic back grounds stereotype. and not all black people do that, i mean I'm from nubian and west indie decent and i don't criticize people because they're of a certain race. now i found that offensive

  17. I am white, and personally I've never had this problem.  Where I live, there are no color barriers. I think it's a stereotype to say that black people discriminate in larger groups.  I'm sure it would be easy to say white people could do the same.  It's all perspective.

  18. They only group thats got my back are my friends, and there not what you would call thugs.

  19. fiona, lewis hamilton is mixed but he identifies and looks like most black people that's why they say that he is someone black kids look up to.  

  20. White people do that even more. When I have one white friend they say nothing. But when there's a group it's nothing but niggerjokes

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