
Why do most busy airports launch alot of flights at the same time?

by  |  earlier

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I work here in the offices at Orlando International airport. I love my view of the I see many planes depart & arrive daily. I noticed a trend over my time here:

They launch many flights between 7:30 am & about 8:30 am. Then it gets real quiet around here. Then all of a sudden, a mass of flights begin to arrive & depart again between 11:00 am and about 12:30-ish.

I guess my question is:

Why line up so many planes all at once? Why not spread the scheduling out so that flights are continuos instead of backing everything up all at once?






  1. People travel according to there needs.

    Early morning flights for people with meetings during the day.

    Lunchtime flights for people who stayed overnight with meetings in the morning.

    Evening flights for people who had meetings during the day.

    Airlines study travel trends of people and then schedule there flights accordingly

  2. Don't know for sure but this might lead to some answers:

    IMHO, I think it may have something to do with airspace usage, since most airlines use published routes between major airports and they are trying to minimize airspace congestion(?)

  3. It's all a conspiracy.

    ; )

  4. Due to night time retrictions, airlines program their flights accordingly. The sudden rush could be due to this schedule. Aircraft slot up to fit their arrivals/departures according to this schedule. It is apparent why the sudden rush. Also, the airlines schedule their timings to cater for the business travellers who have to attend meetings and return back the  same day. Many factors dictate these sudden busy periods.

  5. DUH! Because it's a busy airport ............. you think?

  6. This might have to do with the condition of the jet stream. Fuel prices are causing airlines to get tricky with fuel consumption minimizing, and the jet stream is a way to save.

  7. I suppose because this is the time most people want to schedule and demand.

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