
Why do most christians believe in...?

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Why do most christians believe in a new earthage to come but can't grasp the earthage that was before this one we're in?




  1. Most christians do not believe in a new earth-age to come..  

  2. The same reason you don't comb your Hair

  3. There is one world "one earth" you just have to deal with reality the cave man made the wheel out of stone  then man made it out of wood and now it's moves our automobiles there a difference between reality and blind faith man imagination creates turn it in to reality that gives him is fath

  4. Who said they can't?

  5. earthage?


  6. I honestly don't believe that most Christians believe in the pre-millenial reign.  I do believe in it.  I wasn't taught it by anyone it is just there in the Bible.  Are you talking about a time before Adam and Eve? I am still not sure where that would come in.  The bible does not specify how long a day is meant to be so I guess it is up to what God tells your heart. I do believe that this world that we are in started with Adam and Eve. But who are we to say that we are Gods first venture?  All we know is what he tells us of this world and what this world will result in when it is over.

  7. Because their preachers them them to...

  8. because mummra said it was necessary

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