
Why do most churches smell the same?

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I've left my church and am looking for a new one... so obviously I've been going to a lot of churches lately. I've noticed they all smell similar... except for the churches full of old people... those smell like Jean Nate.

Why the same smell? It's not a bad smell, it's just very distinct. Is it the smell of many musical instruments in one room? Or of many books?




  1. Dear Priscilla,

    I'll bet you haven't smelled a church like mine before.  We rent space in a YMCA on Sunday mornings so there are no books and the only musical instrument is a keyboard which is brought in just for our morning worship.  

    Freedom, I hope a thumbs up will help to lift your spirits.

    For His glory,


  2. OK, look at what churches have in common:

    Pews (NO pun intended!!), hymnals, flowers in various states of being- fresh, wilting, need to be replaced, some sort of musical instrument, and in some churches, incense and candles.

    What you smell may be a gathering of people worshiping God.

    And, to those of you who have made rude comments about old people:  One day you will be old, and hopefully you will be on good enough terms with your Creator to attend church services!!

  3. id really know what you mean but most churches that ive been to, smell the way they do bc of the candles.

    idk about you but i like how my church smells.

    hahh i didnt help much did i ?

  4. Little Miss Prisscie:  I love your question.  It really made me chuckle.  I don't think that I have ever "smelled" a church before, but you deserve a star for making me laugh.  I was not having a very good day.

    Love and Blessings.

  5. the old lame people that go there.

  6. haha! i noticed the same thing! i was helpin out at my friends church and noticed it smelled exactly the same as a bunch of other churched! i have no idea why though! maybe its some official church smell! lol

                                        srry i didnt really help all that much!

  7. Dust, old books, and wood.

  8. It's where old people hang out, smells like ben-g*y.

  9. My church smells like a LOT of candles and the pages of books.

    I'd rather have that smell than any other crappy one :)  

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