
Why do most disney talents turn into a bad girl?

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Why do most disney talents turn into a bad girl?




  1. they dont really turn bad. they just do what a lot of other teens do, but because they are supposed to be role model and therefore perfect, the media makes them out to be awful.

  2. they were never good to begin wit

    they act all nice

    but behind the camera they are not and not everybody on disney turns bad


    but i wish

    4 once a girl who was nice and humble to be on disney

    everybody would love her

  3. Because "nobody perfect" and they follow in the footsteps of Hannah montana or should i say miley you never can tell after seeing the somewhat success she has had

  4. Because all the fame and glory and money comes on so quickly that they dont know how to handle it. Their faces are being plasterd all over TV, Posters, and on merchandice. So when it all fades away their all craving for more. They can never get enough attention anymore.  Just wach Miley Cyrus shes already started with her pictures going on throughout the web.  

  5. Because they get sick of always being about little kids and Mickey mouse and all that. I surely would too, i mean What kind of a 18 year old or 21 year old would want to sing for 2 year olds?? And dont you dare say Jonas Brothers, we all know they are a shame already.  

  6. I think it is the same reason that a lot of Catholic-schooled girls turn into bad girls.  They are pushed into this goody-goody role and when they grow up they want to prove that they are "cool" and sometimes go overboard.  Same thing also happens with girls who have really overprotective parents, and then when they get old enough to make decisions on their own they just go crazy with the freedom.  Sad.

  7. Probably because they get so sick of having to be so goody-goody all the time.  

  8. dont use Disney and talent in the same sentence


  9. It is like Catholic School girls. You can only bottle up the hormones for so long. Then, add money and influence, and it is a volatile mix!

  10. probably becuase they want rid of there "innocent" image, and want people to think they are all grown up.

    the thing is sometimes it makes them seem immature.

  11. bc they have to be sweet then they get tired of it and want something different

  12. They don't wanna be pretty little disney girls any-more they aspire to paris hilton =]


  13. Because you would to if you were forced to be poppy bubblegum.

  14. teen rebellion

  15. The pressure, I guess.  Or just the thought of wanting to be something else than the perfect, innocent disney star.  though I don't see anything wrong with that.


    because they have a lot of pressure on them to be perfect and they just want to be normal, because they're not perfect.

  17. Because they're rich, spoiled, and their parents let them do whatever the h**l they want.

  18. I have no idea.

    Maybe because there tired of being liked my little kids and try to get older fans. (which never works)

    It's a shame because so many young kids look up to them!

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