Why is it environmentalist wack job groups continue to block the advancement of humans? No matter how "green" the approach to advance and better the quality of human life, there is still the viral existence of a wack job environmentalist group at work to counter the move. This is a quote from a story about desalination of salt water to make drinking water......"But Marco Gonzalez, an attorney representing the Surfrider Foundation, a non-profit environmental group based in Encinitas that focuses on waves and beaches, said Surfrider would continue to work to block the plant's construction by following up with lawsuits.
"We recognize that desalination is a likely part of our future water supply portfolio," he told Discovery News. "But our concern is that its time has not yet arrived."
Number one, if they are non-profit, who is funding them for these frivalous lawsuits jamming up our court systems? And two, who the h**l are they to decide on "when the time has arrived". How's this for an idea? When there is a drinking water shortage, the wack job groups are allowed to only drink sewage water or rat p**s while everyone else drinks the good stuff.