
Why do most females close their eyes while engaged in the act of sexual intercourse.?

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Why do most females close their eyes while engaged in the act of sexual intercourse.?




  1. I'm into old women, who like to watch.

    Do you like fishing.

  2. Because they're imagining something else.


  3. if honest it depends:

    1. It can be because they are absorbing the moment in which they are in .You will find that's its intermittent and they will look at the partner as well as having times with their eyes closed.

    then there is

    2. To hide the emotions..............some couples do have s*x out of routine and they no longer have feeling for each other.

    you would know the difference, because if it was the second the person would be less responsive in their actions and body language.

  4. female sexuality is more based on feelings (touch).  Men are aroused by the visual...

  5. When you've got your eyes closed you can focus on your other senses more - so it's sometimes more pleasurable.

  6. probably because theyve gone to sleep!

  7. i don't, my eyes stay open ;) perhaps they're trying to think of someone else?! hehe

  8. because deep down they dont find their partners attractive so they close their eyes and imagine it's someone they do fancy

  9. I close my eyes when I kiss its all about emotions...

  10. It is because it feels so good and they are enjoying every moment of this wonderful art of s*x between a man and a woman.It also shows how emotional and romantic the whole act of s*x can be and it is just a natural thing to do when you are feeling satisfied.It also makes you feel beautiful and maybe by closing their eyes they can fantasize a little too.

  11. to imagine someone else

  12. so they cant see you. UGLY

    o no not more thumbs down   boo hoo

  13. dilemma:she's either enjoying it or faking it

  14. cos they enjoying themselves maybe

  15. What would you rather they did?

  16. Perhaps to cherish the moment I've asked my wife this, and she has no definite answer.

  17. well its my way of expressing pleasure, i utilize that moment ot not see but FEEL...

    i hope this makes sense. when one sense is gone or not in use it ENHANCES the others..

    lol but i always have the tendency of closing my eyes

  18. its kinda random...some do..n some dont...

    its like...the feeling is better then lookin...

    thats my opinion...

  19. because they are with ugly guys.... my lady of course keeps her eyes open , to savor my beauty...... lmao.

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