
Why do most girls only pay attention to guys that are 6'0 or taller?

by  |  earlier

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It's so obvious. I'm 5'9" so most of the girls all treat me like I'm their baby brother or something like I'm a kid not a man.




  1. Dude, I am seriously getting concerned about you. 5'9" is fine. You are not short. I am a girl, and like I answered in your last question, I prefer a guy your height over a taller man. Work on your personality, exude self-confidence, and the ladies will come to you.

  2. Hi Dear,

      Not all women like men that are tall. My self i'm only 5' 1 1/4" and being with any man that is that tall i feel like a little person My Friend.

    Your Friend,


  3. I'm a short a*s, so everyone looks over 6ft to me!

  4. I'm not attracted to tall guys... I only had one tall boyfriend and I didn't like it because everytime I saw him he maid my neck hurt for staring up at him or kissing him... like I told you on your other question your perfect... if those girls like neck aches I don't know what the h**l is wrong with them... =/

  5. that could be true in some cases..prolly all the time to some..but it doesn't affect me too much...I'm proud of my height (I'm 5' 5'') and you should too..lot of girls check me out tho so not all girls are height preferable.

  6. I'm 6 foot yay! =]

  7. Because they are 3+ inches more noticeable.  

  8. You're the perfect height to me.  I'm 4'10 so tall dudes really don't do it for me.. at all.

  9. Not true. I never dated a guy taller than 6'0". My fiance is 5'10". Two of my good friends are dating guys who are 5'9" and 5'6". It just depends on if you are attracted to the person and of course how tall the girl is. For instance, my sister likes tall guys, but she is 5'10"- I am 5'6". Show the girls you aren't their baby brother, don't let them treat you like that, show them you are a man! :-) Anyway, I don't like really tall guys, then I have to stand on my toes to kiss them. That would get old. Also, guys who are 5'9" can put their arms around you, not just tall guys so that was a dumb comment that girl put.

  10. never paid attention to that, i guess since i am only 5ft, it was never an issue. my hubby is around 5'9 and he's a giant to me =) besides it's not your height that determines if you're a man or not, it's the way you present yourself. be confident about who you are and don't let your height bother you, your perfectly fine.

  11. We don't. We just pay more attention to guys we think are hot.

  12. I personally like guys who ae 5'8-6'0

    And I'm 5'6. I don't like breaking my neck looking up. haha.

  13. I am only 60 inches tall so I appreciate people who are not so tall that I have to hurt my neck looking up at them. I don't like tall people towering over me.

    And as for you saying that people treat you like a kid because you are only 5'9..I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, cause I get treated like that too, every day of my freaking life. And I am not a kid, I am 29 yrs old.


  14. That's not true at all i am 5ft9 and i have dated guys shorter than me. Height doesn't matter to me at all.

  15. Sprite Me Up needs to Sprite her mouth shut

  16. uh.... maybe your just not around the right girls. people that are that tall scare me. but im only 5'1".  

  17. i don't i have a short man and he is cute so if your hot you hot don't matter so girls are different if you know what i mean

  18. Tall is overrated. I am 7 foot.

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