
Why do most golfers have handicaps?

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Why do most golfers have handicaps?




  1. There are generally three reasons why golfers want a golf handicap. The first is to measure their standard of golf and quantify any improvements in their game. The second is to have a fair and equitable basis for the allocation of shots when playing against other golfers. The third is that a handicap certificate is sometimes required to play golf on a particular golf course. By the way i play off a 9.

  2. Its to show people who are not golfers what rank they have like it is in formula 1 the first year they call you a rookie beginner in other words and then the following year you are a full driver in other words you are experienced, this applies to golf what grade you eventually you become a pro so you are the top master in your game.

  3. A good reason for golfer to start keeping their handicap is that the handicaping system forces players ot play to a better score. It certainly doesn't mean that the player will play better. But to better your handicap, you have to work really hard at it. It means constanly reducing your scores and keeping them low.

  4. To level the playing field ALL players have a handicap.  Even Woods, if he played in a club event would get a handicap of something like plus 5, which would be added to his score.

  5. they do not usually compile a par score of less than 73 on average

  6. Otherwise they'd be working.

  7. Actually, the vast majority of golfers do not keep an official handicap. Those that do keep one for two reasons: 1) to get a numerical measure of their progress and 2) to enable them to compete in official events and on equal footing against other handicapped players.

    The average handicap for a male player is 16.1. The average for a female player is 28. Less than 1 percent of golfers play to a single digit.

  8. Handicaps make it easier for a wider range of players to compete against one another.

    It's one of the things that makes golf a uniquely inclusive game (in terms of age and ability - class and colour are different issues). I could play tennis against Andy Murray, or even Jamie Delgado, and he could give me a 6-0, 5-0, 40-0 head start and he'd still whip my sorry butt.

    This benefits weaker players because it means they don't lose all the time. It benefits stronger players because they still win most of the time, but fields are bigger (and therefore prizes are bigger). Golf Clubs benefit because it encourages larger memberships, and golf courses are expensive things to maintain.

  9. Because we're not perfect.

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