
Why do most (not all) vegitarians eat fish???

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at my school like half of the girls are vegtarians (so they say) #

However they say "I'm a vegitarian, exept for fish...."

I belive being a veggie dude is pointless if your only going to eat fish.

Whats YOUR veiw?




  1. Most?   Most don't.  The people that say they are vegetarian and eat fish are just misinformed.  I think what they mean to say is that they eat mostly vegetarian but do eat fish.   No vegetarian eats is a an animal.

  2. They aren't actually a vegetarian then are they? it sounds like a bunch of girls trying to be "cool" by saying they are Veg.

    They would be a Pescatarian.

    The word “pescatarian” is occasionally used to describe those who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of fish. Although the word is not commonly used, more and more people are adopting this kind of diet, usually for health reasons or as a stepping stone to a fully vegetarian diet.

  3. REAL vegetarians don't eat fish.  Vegetarians by definition don't eat animals.  Fish are animals.  People like that make things confusing for everyone else.

  4. If you don't eat meat, but you do eat fish, you are a pescetarian NOT a vegetarian.  And I agree - if you are going to be a veggie, you should not eat fish.  But then I disagree with vegetarianism completely - humans are not herbivores, they are omnivores.

    I also find it really annoying when vegetarians are hypocritical.  They say they wont eat meat because they don't like to kill animals, or whatever reason.  but then they drink milk - in the dairy industry millions of young male calf's are killed every year just because they cant produce milk...same thing goes with chicks and eggs.

  5. Vegetarians do not eat the body of any animal. Therefore they do not eat fish.

    Because many fish eating people want to be vegetarians, they say they are "fish-eating-vegetarians".

    See the definition of vegetarians/vegans etc. from the European Vegetarian label of the European Vegetarian Union (accepted form all European vegetarian organisations):

  6. If they eat fish they are pescatarians not vegetarians. They need to be educated on the labels.

  7. i think that if your a vegetarian you should eat nothing that is living. but the fish are the nasty ones.i don't eat fish

  8. My view is that people who still eat fish should call themselves pescatarians.

    I think most people either don't realize that fish is meat or they don't know the proper term for those who only eat fish.

  9. Yes, I agree.

    I just started being vegetarian. And honestly, it's not that bad. I used to love meat, including tuna and red-meat and etc. But, for me to call myself a vegetarian that means no fish, no cow, no chicken (and a bunch of other animals, I'm just listing those) Sure, some people don't call fish meat, but I do. It was an alive animal, and an alive animal to me is "meat"

    The part I don't understand is when they're always like "I hate how animals are being killed for food" and yet a fish is an animal, it was killed to be put on your plate. Just because it was not red-meat or etc, doesn't make it an animal!

    However, because Pesco-vegetarians do eat only fish, I can see how they call themself vegetarians. They would like to shorten it! But, I don't exactly agree with that.

  10. i agree

    i mean they wont eat cow or pig or other stuff like that but they'll eat fish. fish are animals they feel pain they suffer lol

    that why i dont understand why vetetairans come out and say that there vegetairians. i mean serously i work at a meat departmentat GAINT and i hear these vegan/veggies come and look at the meat and infront of all the comstomers say "eeewwww thats nasty thats why i'm a VEGAN/VEGGIE" i'm like dude just walk away and dont even say anyting. i mean you dont see us meat eaters going around telling every1 that we're a meat eater!!

  11. Anyone who says they are vegetarian but eat fish doesn't understand the concept of being vegetarian.  A vegetarian diet excludes all animal, including poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, and slaughter by-products.

    The girls at your school who say they are vegetarians but eat fish are actually pescatarians - a diet that excludes all meat except fish, shellfish, and crustacea.

    I wonder whether the girls at your school avoid things like gelatine and animal rennet.  If they don't they can't really claim to be pescatarian either, as animals have to die to produce them.

  12. to each her diet.

    if nobody eats pork, there will be no pigs.  No mutton, no sheep  (except perhaps in Wales)

    the food that a lot of people seem to be against is Foie Gras.  But the ducks and geese that we see here have a lovely outdoor life, digging up worms etc.  It is just in the last few weeks the farmer gives them a lot of maize, then chop.

  13. I am a pescetarian. And YES, i know that i am not a proper vegetarian, so don't lecture me. I have enough of that already by my friends. I eat fish because, yes, i know that it is an animal, but i have yet to see a fish being killed in a horrific way. I know that fish have feelings, but i have different beliefs than 'proper' vegetarians. I eat fish because it is basically the only source of protein that i can get because i don't really like cheese, I'm getting fed up of eggs, and i hate quorn. So yeah, I'm not a proper vegetarian, but i have my own beliefs, and it gets kind of annoying people have a go at me because of my beliefs.

  14. Well, the majority of vegetarians don't eat fish. But I agree, you're not a vegetarian if you eat fish.

  15. there is a group of vegitarions that only eat fish. I forgot what there called, but the eat the fish for protien instead of the fake meats.

  16. Most vegetarians eat fish? Err, NO vegetarians eat fish. Fish is meat, just like pork and chicken and beef, and you are not a vegetarian if you eat meat. Those girls at your school aren't vegetarians. Pescetarianism does not = vegetarianism. Fishing is cruel, too.

  17. NO vegetarian eats fish.  The Vegetarian Society, who coined and defined the word, describes vegetarianism as a diet made up of plant foods with or without the addition of dairy and eggs.  Anyone who calls themselves a vegetarian but eats fish or slaughter by-products is misusing the term.  Vegetarians don't eat dead animals.  Period.

  18. Well I am veggie myself.

    The reason being is warm blooded animals such as a horse or a cat are the same as us whereas a cold blooded animal like a fish or snail are not and are therefore not the same as us.

    Its just like saying Im not going to eat my bestfriend but I will eat that cat.

    Veggies are also scientificly proven to be healthier as they are not taking in the fat of the animals and gain much more protien and vitimans from tablets fish and nuts because they have to in not eating meat.

    I could never bring myself to eat something that never had a chance to live a full life. atleast fish have their whole life ahead of them and are not bred just to be eaten.

    but then again on the other hand I do not approve of sea creatures being caught by net as many animals die that way and are wasted in not being eaten.

    Also because veggies dont eat meat they cant get much protien or many vitamins from anywhere else.

  19. Firstly not MOST veggies eat fish, v few  i would say.

    You cant judge the whole veggie population by the girls at your skool.

    And although i dont personally eat fish (im veggie), i think that you are still veggie if you eat fish, its their choice.

  20. There is no such thing as a vegetarian that eats fish, so it is obviously not true that most vegetarians eat fish.

    Vegetarians do not eat animals.

    Fish are animals just as shrimp, clams, and ants are animals.

    If someone says they are a vegetarian, that doesn't make it true.

  21. Most people who call themselves vegetarian don't eat fish. In any case if you eat fish you're not a veggie. The concept that vegetarians eat fish is really old-fashioned and is incorrect. I think the best definition of a vegetarian is the one that the Vegetarian Society gives on its website

    Here it is. We define a vegetarian as someone living on a diet of grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits, with or without the use of dairy products and eggs. A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, or slaughter by-products.

  22. vegetarians do not eat fish. If they eat fish then they are not vegetarians

  23. Ditto Gary LemonShell!

    And everyone else who says vegetarians don't eat fish!

    They DON'T. And that's the end of it!

  24. If they eat fish, they're not really a vegetarian.

    There's another word for that. It starts with a "P" or something.

    I'm a vegetarian and I don't eat fish.

  25. People choose vegetarianism for different reasons; some choose to cut out meat and dairy for animal rights and others, for their personal health and well-being. Those who go the healthy route usually include fish in their diets because, unlike red meat, it is much leaner and packs antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3. Unless these girls line up in a protest against PITA and constantly brag about their vegetarian lifestyles, they are hardly hypocrites.

  26. some people dont consider fish 'meat'. they say that there is meat(beef, pork, chicken) and fish....two separate categories. so not eating meat is not eating beef pork and chicken..that fish dont count. it always annoys me because a girl i know is sooo proud of being a vegetarian but she does eat fish!! so technically she is not a veg. she tells everyone that she is a veg and criticizes them if they eat meat...what a hypocrite... apparently fish are not animals in her eyes. sad :(

  27. I am a vegetarian myself, and being vegetarian does not mean you don't eat meat at all, the least strict type of vegetarian will perhaps eat meat or fish on occasion. I occasionally eat fish and seafood, this is because I went vegetarian because I don't like how animals are kept in the U.S. However, you will find that there are some fish and seafood that are wild caught and this means that they have lived out in their natural habitat their whole lives.

    Also some people go vegetarian for health reasons, and certain parts of a diet that many vegetarians miss out on can be found in fish.

    I hope this gave you a good answer :)

  28. I think they do whatever suits them, unless you are veggie because you don't like meat then you shouldn't eat or wear anything that has come from animals,

  29. Actually TRUE vegetarians do not consume any fish. I think some people feel more important or special when they label themselves as vegetarians, because it is obvious that they are not if they consume fish. Technically, that is called a "pescatarian". There are different types of vegetarians (ovo-lacto consume milk & egg products, ovo consume egg products, lacto consume milk products) and vegans do not consume any animal products at all (including honey/bee pollen).

  30. i think the only TRUE vegetarians are vegans

    otherwise it's seems liked a half-arsed attempt to 'save animals'

    without being totally committed

    because fish can feel, dairy is obtained by artifically inseminating the mother yearly and taking the calf off them before 48 hours is up then overmilking them after pumping them with hormones so they produce more, chickens aren't kept in horrific conditions, fur, leather and wool aren't 'saving' animals!

    lol @ my rant ;)

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