
Why do most of the politicians are resisting Global Warming ?

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Are they afraid of something else ?




  1. They are smarter than the greens, and understand that their lunatic movement is full of socialist, communist wackos.

    They understand that many greens are as crazy as 2012ers.

  2. Most politicians are not resisting global warming.

    You mean: "why do most american politicians are resisting global warming?"

    (And you've got another example: it's not "why are most people resisting the evolution theory" but yes "why are most american people resisting evolution theory?". Think about that.)

  3. They're afraid of losing the next election.  Most voters in America believe global warming is a natural process that man can do nothing about.  The first time a politician suggests raising tax/limiting consumer choices over a natural cycle is the last term that politician serves.

  4. Because it is a stupid farce developed to lead the liberal sheep by the ear.

  5. Coal interests tend to give a lot of money to politicians, some political parties also have close links with coal miner unions.

    Thus instead of proposing to build large numbers of nuclear power plants to completely get rid of CO2 emitting electricity we get wind and solar power plants that produce a little bit of power but aren't reliable enough to actually run a power grid without fossil fuel backup.

  6. Politicians need to appeal to the largest number of voters so they try to walk on both sides of the street when it comes to global warming.  

    George W, is on record as saying that increasing CO2 will cause warming, but his policies indicate it's not enough to warrant action.  People take it any way they want.  

    Al Gore is the master at walking on both sides of the street.  When he was in office, he said some things that implied he was absolutely pro tobacco.  Now he implies (not in so many words) that he's strongly anti tobacco.

  7. we are afraid of heat stroke.

    you would never vote for a heat stroke victim.



  8. They aren't, in most all of the world.

    In the US action has been stalled by the Bush Administration, who has been systematically lying to the people (some of the lies are repeated here), and delaying.  

    That will change January 20.

  9. I think the premise of your question is false.  Many, many politicians (Mayors, Governors, State Legislatures, and US Congressmen) are pushing hard for change.  The last US Senate bill on Global Warming, written by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I) and Sen. John Warner (R), who aren't exactly known as liberal loonies, had a good chance of passing (that's not an endorsement on my part, just an observation).  But a Republican filibuster resulting in delaying the bill until next year (for a new Congress & President to address).

    Given the political strength and influence of big Oil and big Coal, it shouldn't surprise anyone that any legislation that would inevitably result in decreased revenues in those industries will have strong opposition. They've been in bed with politicians (from all parties) for decades.

  10. A sure fire economical disaster verses a plausible environment issues. Equate that to a politicians station in life and their core values. Bingo! you have inaction and conflict between opposing factions. Each one grasping for the vantage point at any expense or public demise. Jeez...election years are the worst, there's no such thing as mutual ground. Sooner or later, and I'm guessing after the election, Dem's will open up restrictive oil drilling. That way becoming the unsung hero's for economic recovery.

  11. To stop the green house gases & increase green area.

  12. They don't want to risk backing an unproven concept and end up with mud on their faces.

  13. Most liklely because there are as many credible scietists against the various theories of the causes and potential remedies for climate change as there are supporting them.

    Ask yourself this question when considering any issue, "who stands to make money?"

    For example, T. Pickens Boone is pushing for wind power turbines (which are a good idea) mainly because he has invested millions in their production and stands to gain much more...An even better system is the solar generators already being used in New Mexico. An array of 100 square  miles (a relatively small area) could replace all the electric powerplants in the entire USA. Perhaps if all the transmission equipment went through Mr. Pickens properties he would favor them.

    General Electric stands to make billions if all light bulbs are changed to those flourescent A lamps. What is less reported is their mercury content. Mercury may be good for their carbon content but is extremely toxic. Nobody puts them is hazardous landfill when they are discarded like they should be. Going "green" while a good idea is a big money-maker too.

    The biggest issue is that many popular politicians and activists are pushing for the USA to sign the Kyoto protocol when in fact, we already have much stiffer regulations than some huge polluters who will not sign it like China and India.

    If global warming is an matter that can be "remedied", it cannot be done solely from within the borders of the USA but must be a global effort. There is are other ambitious efforts worldwide to replce Kyoto which the USA agrees with but simply refuses to become bound by until China, India, and others also agrees to it's terms.

    The issue of global warming has become such a contentious debate where there are those who wish to restrict human activities (at any cost) in striving for an unattainable environmental utopia. Fascism may reduce our "carbon footprints" but that is only one of thousands of ways humans impact the planet.

    Additonal comment:

    Heretic has a good point. Politicians do not want to remedy problems, only point them out. As long as there are problems, we need politicians. If they cured what ails us, we wouldn't need them anymore. Illegal immigration for example, has huge social impacts and a relatively easy remedy but will our elected officials fix the problem, no. Too much money and votes to be had keeping it a problem...

  14. They are not stupid enough to believe the lie..

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