
Why do most of the right wing radio hosts have no military experience?

by Guest64626  |  earlier

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None of the right wing radio hosts have ever served the country with military service, yet talk about courage, patriotism, and standing up to evil on their shows every day. Also, they seem to be so outspoken about going to war, but never had the balls to do it themselves.




  1. You're wrong.  A number have served in the military.

    However:  they've also never aborted a child, interfered with a soldier's  funeral, voted to lower the age of consent to 6 years, denied citizens the right to practice their faith, or murdered citizens to prevent them from testifying.

    That prevents them from registering as Liberals.

  2. The same reason why the people who advocate war never go.  They talk a lot of sh*t and get the ignorant among the masses riled up while they sit back and count the money.  Other than John McCain and Jim Webb how many Senators and Congressman have sacrificed their children for the war?  How many of them are REAL VETS I mean real meaning seeing combat?  Look at the past 2 presidents one was smoking blunts and the other was just a plain coward whose family's money prevented him from going to war.

    American people need to wake the f*ck up!  For once TURN OFF THE TV AND PICK UP A BOOK!  These people who talk about war never go and *gasp* they are ALL RICH from companies that profit from war.  That should tell you something right there.  They are no idiots. Only the poor and working class go to fight.  That has always been the trend since The Civil War.  Look at the numbers of Confed poor troops who died fighting for rich plantation owners who looked down on them as wh*te trash.  Say what you want about the Kennedies but they dedicated two of their children to WWII.  

    But once again these right wing hosts are cowards and even junkies (Rush Limbaugh oxycontin addict).  

    But people forget the n***s did the same.  Hitler never had any children he sacrificed for the war effort.  How many of Goering or Goebbels children died in the fight?  How many of them suffered during the bombing:  None.  Many of them even tried to cut deals with the Allied troops.  However, it was the German people who died and suffered, hunger, the bombing etc.  For what?  Nothing.

    *Look at us today.  Where is Bin Laden?  How many U.S. troops have died for our rich corporates?  Look at the burden on taxpayers???  Yet people sit around celebrating the Olympics in a Communist country whose made money off the backs of our unemployed Americans.

  3. Because they don't have the integrity or courage to participate in any meaningful way; they choose to let the other 'grunts' do the dirty work while they laugh all the way to the bank as some valueless blubbering mouthpiece. Same goes for the politicians in this nation: how many of them have ever fought in a 'war' or sent their own sons and daughters to fight? It's a lot easier being an armchair patriot than it is being a true believer in sacrificing your own life for your country.


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