
Why do most of you "biracials" wanna be white?

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dont get mad, im calling it how i see it. i am directing this to the black/white biracials mostly(or white and something else). i have read alot of your questions on yahoo, and it seems that most of you are all concerned about being excepted by white people. you dont mind being called white, but you have a problem when someone calls you black? what is that all about? cant you just be yourself and except you for who you are?




  1. the third answer is right. prince claims to be a full-blooded black man, so does will smith and every other half-black man and woman out there. any 'biracial' that you see 'acting white' is doing so regardless of his or her half-breededness.

  2. I AM White, nothing more.

    White people are the social norm, for beauty, success, everything. There is nothing proud about being partially black. I was cursed with tan skin and nappy "bad" hair, but I am taking drastic steps towards changing both of those.

    I love when people call me white, which isn't very often, but NO ONE calls me black, because I am not black. I'm white.  

  3. actually, my friend who is 1/2 white 1/2 black..

    she doesnt like white ppl alot because they are so mean to her,i remember when she went to lacrosse camp,she sent me a txt that said "why should i keep acceping them when they dont want to accept me?" she doesnt get offended when ppl call her black...also.most of the 1/2 white 1/2 black ppl i kno,hang out with black ppl more than they hang out with white ppl and identify more with black ppl

  4. Not this one=)

    Maybe a lot of them feel the need to fit in with White people because Whites are the mainstream society?

  5. goes both ways...

  6. In the English-speaking world many terms for people of various multiracial descents exist, some of which are pejorative or are no longer used. Mulato and mestizo are used in Spanish and métis in French for people of multiracial descent, and these terms are also in certain contexts used in the English-speaking world. In Canada, the Métis are a people of mixed white and First Nation descent. Terms like "mulatto" for people of partly African descent and "mestizo" for people of partly Native American descent are still used in English, but mostly when referring to the past or to the demography of Latin-America. "Half-breed" is a now old-fashioned and pejorative term used for people of partial Native American ancestry. Mestee, once widely used, is now used mostly for members of old mixed-race groups, such as Melungeons, Redbones, Brass Ankles and Mayles. In South Africa, and much of English speaking southern Africa, the term "Coloured" is used to describe a mixed race person. While the term is socially accepted, it is becoming an out dated term owing to its apartheid historical significance.

    In English, the terms "miscegenation and "amalgamation" have been used for "race-mixing", but these terms are now often considered offensive and are becoming obsolete with the term "Mixed-Race" becoming generally accepted.

  7. well, most bi racial people to me look black, and the only way i can tell is by there hair or something, but most of the biracial [mixed white and black] they consider themselves as being black... so idk i guess it all depends on where your from, and who you associate yourself with

  8. Historically its been the other way around. Most biracials solely identify as black and most other people consider them black because of their appearance. I think now though people want to be recognized beyond race or at least let people know everything they got in them (that they aren't just "black" or "white"). Also because of stereotypes SOME (not many, but some) people are ashamed to be black (and some are ashamed to be or have any white in them).


  9. I'm surprised by your question because I have NEVER found this to be true. Quite the opposite, actually.

    The problem a lot of biracials (blk/wh) tend to have (aside from feeling like they don't quite fit in with blacks or whites) is with their Caucasian relatives who sometimes refuse to accept or acknowledge them. When they get to the age of understanding, they can experience great hurt and rejection and become bitter and "anti-white." I've known a few who became well-versed and educated about black history. I've also known a few who I would describe as militant in their thinking.

    I would say that overall, blk/wh biracials are usually more often embraced and acccepted by their black relatives than their white relatives. That's my true observation and it may be why so many of them prefer to be called black.

  10. I have to disagree of all the black/white mixes ive seen they always say their black.

    Plus they dont want to be white if there HALF white they have a right to say dont call me black because they still are HALF white.dont have so much pride in your race.Thats a sin.

    to that guy will smith is not mixed he is just black

  11. this is a racist question,don't believe everything you read on yahoo answers because many yahoo people pretend to be biracial etc.

  12. Mathew P T: Prince is Black

    There are a number of myths regarding Prince's ethnicity. In fact, he was "born to a black mother and a black father." According to a September 12, 1985 Rolling Stone article, Mattie Shaw, "like many African-Americans, is an amalgam of different ethnicities."

  13. I don't think people can accept themselves if others are going around telling them they are just one classification when they have Two parents with two different classifications in terms of race.

    I don't think people like excluding one of their parents when they talk about themselves.

    It's called common sense. Use it.

  14. I agree with Dionna , it just depends on the person.  My little sister is mixed but looks white, bright blue eyes, the light skin, the hair, etc. But she loves both sides of who she is. And she will tell ya in a heartbeat she's black.

  15. As a biracial girl, I don't like to be called white. I like to be called biracial because hello that's what I am. I don't really mind it if people call me black either (I look more black, and I tend to fit in more with black people than white people due to my socio-economic status and where I was raised, and a lot of people do just call me black. whatever). But I DONT wanna be white.  

  16. that is just a few of them.......most consider themselves black

    and the ones who consider themselves white are usually the ones who go through a lot of mental things.........because the world just views them as black.....they look black......u know!!!!

  17. I don't care about being accepted (not excepted, like you said) by white people. I don't care about being accepted by any race - I really only care about being accepted by my friends. I don't care if someone calls me white, black, mutt, half breed, or any other term there is. If someone calls me white doesn't make much sense because I'm a lot closer to being black then white. (when it comes to skin color)

    I'm biracial and I accept it 110%.

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