
Why do most off my dreams come true and most off them are about death?

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Why do most off my dreams come true and most off them are about death?




  1. maybe because of destiny. we are all destined to die at the right time.

  2. ...first of all that dream will come true for anyone who dreams or not  because we all die, the operative word.

    A suggestion... go out an exercise...get some fresh air... meet new people, volunteer in the community... re-establish yourself... plant a garden, help the elderly, read to a burn victim at a Shriner's Hospital, be a big brother or big sister, help your community better itself.   If you dream of death it is a sign you need to get out there and live!

  3. I have the same problem , except mine also have to do with injurys. Its a sixth-sense of sorts is what I figure. Also it could be a gift if you learn to read your dreams properly. It started for me at the age of around 9/10 when I had a dream that I was sitting on a doctors table (the ones with the white paper and pillow and stuff in doctors offices) looking at a cabinet with boxes of diff. color cast-tape (the stuff that goes on a cast that makes it pretty and able to write on with sharpie and stuff) when I was 12 I was ridding my bike trying to catch my friends little sister-she was trying to 'run away from home'- when I slipped and broke my arm. When I was asked to pick a color for my cast I remembered the dream I had and Ive been seeing things like that ever since. Dont be afraid of your dreams, they could help you and others someday.

  4. thats because your creepy...

    nah im not really sure

    i don't believe in psychic powers or any stuff like that, but whatever

    maybe you have a 'gift'

  5. Have you considered its actually a gift you have?

    When you dream of these people I am guessing these dreams are BEFORE the death happens, do these people die of illnesses or are they accidents or both?

    People who have these dreams are gifted people. some will see it as a curse or something bad, but I have learned not to see them in this way. We are given gifts (no matter what the gift is) for a reason. They dont JUST happen so you see it, think about it and dread the next one. Theres a reason for them all and a reason why you are having them. Contact me further if you are interested.

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