
Why do most parents deem this as disrespect?

by  |  earlier

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Lets say they are a young man who has strong christian beliefs and the parents invited the wicked sister who all she does is sin severely and doesnt reget it.Then 1day the boy gets in a fight with all three and calls his sis a w***e and his mom is a ***** for accepting and the dad is called an a*****e 4 not fending his boy.And the catch the parents know bout the childrens lifestyles.The Bible states dont cast the first stone and hnor the parents but It also states that those who wanna stay away from sinners can but ur parents dont respect that bout u cause if theye did sis would have never been invited home if u were there.




  1. I don't really understand. If you're such a strong Christian you wouldn't be calling people names. You're supposed to love and accept everyone for who they are.

  2. I understand the christian faith me being deeply apart of it. The bible says to be kind, it also says to take the plank out of your own eye, before taking the speck from your bother(sister). As for respecting your parents, you repect them up tp the point to where they tell you to sin. SO if they have not commanded you to sin than you still need to respect them, as for the way they handle your sister that is their problem and you need to focus on what you are doing and keeping the

    Godly additude in this SIN FILLED world. Good luck

  3. ok your writting dosent make much sense. I can barrily catch onto what your talking about. You obviously wrote this in anger. Breath!

  4. So you're a Christian and you called your dad an a*****e, your sister a w***e, and your mother a *****? I believe the Bible also says not to judge others, and to love your neighbor as yourself, and to witness and show the love of Christ to the non-believers. You're just as corrupt as them my dear.

  5. What?

  6. I'm sorry but I found that really hard to understand what was going on. Especially "Then 1day the boy gets in a fight with all three and calls his sis a w***e and his mom is a ***** for accepting and the dad is called an a*****e 4 not fending his boy". And I  suspect that is the core of the question.

    Now, taken by itself can you not see how that is disrespectful- to say the least?

    Now if I can take a stab at the rest , I think you are against your sister's lifestyle and are blaming your parents for friction caused by her being in your home. If I have that right I'd caution you to be forgiving and try to understand why she acts as she does. That's much harder than simply condemning her lifestyle.

    As I said, I don't know if I "read" the situation right, but please clarify if you think I've got it wrong.

  7. I'm sorry. I don't understand your question.

  8. Well your not being very CHristian like calling your mother a ***** and your dad an a*****e, as well as your sister a w***e.  The bible also states to love everyone, and YOU are not allowed to judge your sister as a sinner.  I would think someone as religious as you would realize God is the only who can judge someone as a sinner

  9. uhhh wtf wrong section

    while your here could you anwser my question;...

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