
Why do most people die within 3 months of the month they were born in?

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Is there a reason?I ask because well known psychic Sylvia Browne said it.I checked the Obits and it's correct.What's going on?




  1. They don't.  Matter of fact, I'd say that there's a 58% chance of people dying three months of the month they were born in.  How so?

    Three months before + The month you were born + Three months after = Within 3 months of the month you were born = 7 months

    7 months / 12 months in a year = .58 = 58% chance of dying within three months of the month you were born in.


  2. This isn't actually that surprising. If you die within 3 months of the month you were born, there is a 6 month window, so there is a 50% chance of dying within 3 months. However, probability doesn't work out perfect in the real world, so this is just one of those things.

  3. there is in no state evidence that is true where did you get this, i would like to know??

  4. Well if this psychic sylvia has the answers, why ask this stupid question..

  5. the way of life :)

  6. You just totally depressed me, but I know Sylvia always on Montel I love her

  7. Because there's only 12 months in a year and that makes the odds of if happening pretty high.

  8. LOL, zak, whats going on...should i say its just confirmation bias...or just coincidences......i dont know  you tell us zak ?...your funny...i also checked people i knew that died, and they have died within 3 months of their births

  9. OK - plus or minus three months is half a year - so the odds would be 50-50 that you'd die within three months of your birthday.

    This doesn't strike me as particularly psychic.

  10. I sure pray this is not always true.

    I haven't really noticed that. I know people who have not died within the three month window...

  11. To die within 3 months of when you were born basically gives you 6 months (3 before and 3 after) to die in so it's only a 50/50 chance that you die in that period. To me it's not really that remarkable.

  12. Sarah, you are my new hero. Finally someone is on to his scam.

  13. I love Sylvia Browne, and I have never heard her say this. That is interesting because my mom just passed away last July and her birthday would have been coming up in September. My grandma passed in July also and her birthday would have been in November (4 months)

    Very interesting.

  14. Just a statistic, it really means nothing! The fact that 3 months is most common is just just what the average is!

  15. Statistically, because three months either direction means within a 7 month period. That would mean you have a 7 out of 12 chance of dying withing that period. Unfortunately, any psychic can make any claim and base it on percentages and be correct most of the time. With your question the per centage wound be about 84%.

    I can make a prediction based on the same formula and it will invariable come true. A commercial airplane will crash withing the next 12 months. It will have the colors red or blue on the tail. There will be fatalities. Now watch the news for the next year or so and that will actually happen. However, this prediction is not based on any psychic ability. About 95% of all the airlines in the world use the colors red or blue on their tails. Based on the approximate intervals that planes crash, usually at least one every 8 or 9 months, on average, there will be a plane crash within the next year or so. Even if I am off by a month or two, the fact that there should be one of the colors mentioned, I can claim success and boast how psychic I was. Be carefull of claims made by those who make their living this way. vagaritys are the spice of their proffesion.

  16. hmmmmm.


    It could be a coincidence, alternatively, it could be a psychological "cut off" point in the mind.

    Someone who is dieing could be striving to reach their next birthday, and once they have achieved it, they could just "let go".....

  17. I have no idea...good question...i guess it just happens that way, you just have a higher chance for dying around 3 months near your works in mysterious ways, yep yep

  18. well seeing there are only 12 months in the year, its not such a strange anomaly, using a so-called psychic estimation thats either in the 3 months before or 3 months after gives you a 50/50 chance.

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