
Why do most people do not appreciate the virginity of a guy/girl anymore?

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There are very few people who save their virginity for their spouses.




  1. people focuses less on virginity not because they don't care but because in our country you are expected to be virgin prior marriage in accordance to our faith and tradition. also, if you keep on taking account virginity you will over power accepting someone as to who he/she really is as well as true love.  

  2. our society focuses on s*x and how great it is  

  3. I beg to differ. AFAIK, girls dig boys who are virgin.

  4. 21st Century??? duh!

  5. I think that it is much more appreciated than what you hear voiced.  Those who have lost it may frown upon it as a way to avoid true feelings.  When someone special comes along, they can never get it back.  I think the willfulness to keep virginity has more to do with morals and childhood experiences than with religion.  You only have it once!!!

  6. as time grows...people change,education,and also the enviroment.....

  7. Because it doesn't matter.  The only reason virginity was prized in the past was because there was no effective contraception or protection from disease.  We have things like condoms and the pill now, so who cares what you've done before marriage?

  8. well our culture isn't as modest as it used to be... i don't necessarily think that's a bad thing..

    i'm a virgin but i'll lose it when i feel it's the right time... sometimes waiting for marriage may not be the best decision... especially with the divorce rate the way it is

    as long as you lose it to someone you truly care about and don't try to follow the crowd i see no reason to wait

  9. i agree most the people lost theres when there were drunk i think its special but at the end of the day its there desion

  10. Because it is just the way society is these days, sad i know but true. It just isn't something that is viewed a something sacred any more  

  11. Because of all the c**p thats flying around in the world. Whenever you turn on MTV, VH1, and there are a lot more channels like that, you see "hott" chicks running around drunk having s*x.

    Some people do it because of peer pressure. Some because they're lonely, and some because they're just horny.

    But in past experience, I've noticed people tend to lie about having s*x A LOT. So you never know, someone who could say they're a w***e, could be a real virgin. :D

  12. cuz its not that big anymore

  13. Because we live in some different ways of understanding that. Today ,most of the young girls and boys are having s*x at the age of 13,14 y.They think that is not right to save their virginity until they get married.Times have changed,unfortunately

  14. You are running with the wrong crowd. Find new friends who have a higher standard.

  15. although ist no big deal at all..well i think its important and if you will go to asian countries i think they prepare a virgin i dont know if boys?haha

        coz im an asian and i think its important and if you loose also no problem

  16. Well honestly i was one who saved his virginity till i was married same with my wife. Why most don't now a days because its a main aspect in our society. Young people want to feel like adults because s*x is an adult action most cases. As well some see s*x as a right of passage to being a man and being a woman. So really people feel like every one else is doing it. I know when i was growing up all the talk was who had s*x with who. We can also attribute it slightly to hormones and the past centuries. way back in the day people where adults at the age of 13 and where married and popping out kids at that age. I think it could be a in lined human action Due to centuries and centuries of getting married at young ages. Also some don't know how to just say no when approched with that option to have s*x or not because they feel like if they like this person then they have to. There are tons of contributeing factors to it honestly and i can't my self narrow it down to just one thing.

  17. I guess it depends on your religious background?

    I don't think losing your virginity is THAT big of a deal. As long as you lose it to someone you really did care for/love then it shouldn't matter.

  18. This takes me back a while, sexual compatability is a part of a relationship. Most people dont want to consider this and will preach - saving for... I never even liked to date a virgin.

  19. I value a guys virginity. The last guy I talked to he was a virgin and I thought it was great. He wanted to lose his virginity after he got married. I wish I could met some guys who are 20 something and havent lost their virginity. Its RARE these days!

  20. There is a reason everyone likes it. Try to name one person who doesnt like s*x.  Everyone wants it which is why they dont want to "waste time" with a virgin.  

    I dont think everyone thinks like this though.  Some people appreciate it

  21. i know!! im with ya!! virginity is such a precious thing, and most people just throw it away on their first boyfriend or girlfriend. It's ridiculous. People need to be more responsible and take things more seriously and just wait til marriage. It makes me sick to think of how many people have lost theirs already.

  22. It is because as a whole has forced us into a s*x hungry civilization . First we were very into saving yourself for the right man/woman . then came the time when s*x began to be ok if it was consensual , to now when everyone of every age seems to be into a sexual frenzy and permissive parents who feel the same way .

    s*x is evereywhere you look or go and we have let it blossom . No respect for the virgin , only disdain because everyone esle is doing it > It is a wrong philosophy , but it is here . We need to change

  23. In this day and age saving yourself for marriage has become very hard.  Some say its just the way of the times, some says its what we see and hear on the daily basis ( Like t.v. shows and movies that dipect young adults having s*x with no consequences and stereotypical teen flicks) and some say that humanity is changing, that our chemical make-up is causing us to become sexually active act younger and younger ages.  Honestly friend i thnk its all of the above.  Whether it be per pressure or lack of control, it is very easy to come with excuses for not waiting for marriage.  In truth dude we are just mammals that set up rules for ourselves that our biological make-up simply does not follow.  

  24. I don't know but it's very sad. I think that kids now days think "Well everyone else is doing it" I don't think that is the way to go. At least hold out for someone special. Make them weight until you are ready. And if they can weight that long then go for it. but don't just jump into bed with the first guy that comes along.

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