
Why do most people forget about solar thermal when it come to talk about solar power?

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I'm not talking about the small household systems. I'm more concerned with concentrated solar power. Such as those used in Saville, Spain.




  1. I belive people disregard solar thermal energy because of its pretty low energy output. But who knows if global warming gets worse you may be on to something. Also it is a less publicized source of energy.

  2. they should not, but most people think about electricity or car fuel when the think about alternative power sources

  3. Probably because when solar energy is discussed in the media they refer to the panels. The solar panels are a much more visual thing which is more obviously connected to the idea of solar power.

  4. I am not sure but I wore some really cozy thermal underwear during the last Browns game. I hardly noticed it was 20 degrees below zero.

  5. Storage and retreval.

  6. becasu no one use solar power we havent figureout how to use solar power on cars put maybe we have put there too spencive so most people doesnt know about them because they dont use it.

  7. They dont realize it even exists.  alot of clueless people have no idea, its funny to hear that when your in the industry.  i work for a company who not only does solar thermal for residential, but we have solar adsorption chillers that uses solar thermal to expel chilled water for industrial cooling.  there is a lot of neat stuff out there that people are un-aware of pertaining to solar thermal.  dont forget about solar radiant heat.

  8. Water heating and maybe pool heating would be the only good uses of direct solar thermal. Space heating is not needed on days with enough sunlight to run a solar space heater. The cost of the gas to make hot water for a year is a very small fraction of the cost of a solar hot water heater, and even then the solar heater needs a backup for cloudy days or night use of hot water. And if you just put a plastic cover over the pool when it is not in use it warms up nicely with no heater at all, if there is enough sun to have powered flat panel collectors.

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