
Why do most people prefer to date/marry within their own race?

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Why do most people prefer to date/marry within their own race?




  1. I will be honest with you. Like for most black females were taught to stay with black men ONLY, so what they dateout. I myself is having a hard time because I like men of other races, but may end up with a black guy for public reasons and I won't be happy at all : (

    There are a lot of older people and I speak of white men, not sure about others yet. But even one admited that now and he is 60 years old wish he had married a black women. He got with his own race so people wouldn't judge him and he loves his daughter, but got a divorce to be with a black women.

    I saw a real ad online from a white male and I thought he was joking he was looking for a black or Hispanic female to have a child with him. But must agree not to be public about their relationship.

    I have seen and heard many stories of people who are now older wishing they had gotten with another race , some wish they had black women, Hispanic women or asian women and for black men...seems like any.

    But in general its because people like me and many others fear what others may say, what you may go through and so on. But those types of relationships IR wise in general are happening a lot these days.

  2. There are many pros. You may speak the same language, like the same food, etc. It's an easy fit and most people like convenience.

  3. I bet it's most attractive. yuh know? Thats what i think.

  4. Much fewer problems to face and the kids are not mixed

  5. it's human nature.

    (for example, just look at monkeys-- chimps don't "make whoopy" with gorillas, even though they are all primates/monkeys)

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