
Why do most people see n.ireland as british?

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am scotish and i see it as part of ireland jst under british control, as english people are jealous of irish, they want it to be part of their country, but at the end of the day ireland is an island on its own so n.ireland is still irish they play gaa n irish dancing n all




  1. N.Irelend is part of the UK and people get confused between the UK and Britain

  2. cz it IS a part of britain....sure u play shinty and play the bagpipes, that doesn't make u any less british...dare ya 2 say that 2 a loyalist...agree wit de english bein jealous of the irish part tho!!!

  3. I think it was to do with the Irish War of independence in 1922 or something, the southern part of ireland withdrew from the united kingdom. I can't remember why though =\

  4. Doesn't matter what you think. Northern Ireland IS British. It's part of the UK and its citizens are considered British though all may have Irish citizenship as well.

    Ireland may be an island on its own and we are all Irish together the facts are that the 'six counties' come under British law - not Irish.

    ...and may I state that these are facts...not my opinion.

  5. kateperez, you are not incorrect. It is indeed part of the British Isles. The British Isles include Great Britain, Ireland, Shetlands, Hebrides, Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man.

  6. David D is right about Alan M being a d**k head. Alan M also forgets about all the people murdered by Loyalists and the British Armys death squads so that they could say they are British.

    I know many many people from the north and none of them call themselves British and none want to be British.

    If you have watched the news over the last few days you will have seen that even MPs in the British Parliament  called the unionists Irish. lol ..

    The vote last year was to elect members to the assembly. Almost half of the 89% of the voters you mention voted for Nationalist partys and they didn't vote to be British. It was not a referendum of the people to say they wanted to be British or not.

  7. Most of the people above are incorrect.

    Northern Ireland is NOT part of Britain.

    Britain is Scotland, Wales and England. The UK is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and NORTHERN IRELAND.

    I totally agree with everything you said.

  8. Politically, Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. That means it has lots of UK-based things- Royal Mail, for example.

    Lots of people in Northern Ireland want to be part of the UK, but lots don't- this question is what the decades of troubles and terrorism in Northern Ireland was about.

  9. Because technically speaking it is but the wishes of individuals & how they wish to describe their nationality and/or ethnicity should be respected.

  10. Because N.Ireland is part of the UK.

  11. Then by your logic you are english as you are a  little part of the  main island where England is the main part. Keep it simple. Ireland used to be all British until 1922 then ony N. ireland stayed British. The people there wish to remain British. It is their choice not under British control. People died in forty years of IRA murders to stay British. Dont insult the victims of the dead families please. Grow up. Dont act a fool all your life. Worstan a well known Ira sympathiser shows his incredible ignorance. 89% of people in N. Ireland voted last summer to remain British in a referendum. He says most people do not want to be british. Amazing.

    David D now thinks there is no such thing as " British". This shows the kind of drugs he is on.. His history story book is the same. Fantasy.

  12. it isnt british, its UK

  13. well back in the day britain was actually a wider term used for all countries in the uk.  nowadays it seems a more common preconception that its to do with british rule.

    i'm northern irish and it really annoys me that you can't select it as a nationality.  we're not british and we're not really southern irish either.  we're a strange hybrid of both cultures.  our humour is very dark, we laugh at our own problems like the troubles but if anyone else tried it we'd be seriously offended.  we have tv shows dedicated to satirising our religious differences (give my head peace/the hole in the wall gang) that other people maybe feel awkward about laughing at!

    and to top that off, our Ulster Fry is by far the best.  full irish or english just don't come close!

  14. im from the republic of ireland, i see it as british. the currency, the whole infrastructure, the systems (school, health etc)  are british. but that is just my opinion.

  15. british people are english.its rule for the english to assume that scotland, ireland and wales are a part of england.

    some of the protestants in northern ireland prefer to think of themselves as 'of' england or ulster-scots, but its a denial thing, because anyone born and living in ireland is irish.ironically they are unaware that the scottish language and customs are almost identicial to the irish ones.

    what is really annoying is that the english do not accept the northern irish notes because they think its the irish money!?that and the fact that they dont know that we speak english is astounding!

  16. Well Willam of Orange and Crowell .........

    Blame the Romes for destroying the druids and starting the totalitarian ruling of the nations

  17. It's no wonder that people get confused between the UK and Britain and think Northern Ireland which is part of one (UK) is also part of the other (Britain).

    What is very annoying though is the many citizens of the UK who think Dublin is in the UK - now that really is ignorant. They don't even know that most of the island of Ireland is an independent country.

  18. Northern Ireland is not and never has been part of Britain.  It is a part of the UK and also now has its own government so is not under British rule.

  19. ireland is ireland whether north or south.

  20. You see it as what you like, wont change what it is I'm afraid.

  21. "Northern" Ireland has been occupied by the British Government for centuries.  "Northern" Ireland was retained by Britain as part of the negotiations in the 1920's.  The Irish Free State is now what is known as the Irish Republic - may she soon be whole.

  22. I would say because it is part of the UK and wants to be (well majority of people in NI do)

    I think that N Americans sees it as Irish though not British.

  23. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH Scotlandshire.

  24. ahh u r so right lol i like sottish pplz now i'm from northern ireland i just see it as ireland but whatever we r controled by the brits unfortunately, let us go uk pplz!!!!

  25. The 6 counties are OCCUPIED by the UK.  

    Not 'British', simply because there is no such thing as 'british'

    Ireland was once fully occupied by the UK, but this is no longer the case.

    This is all down to the plantation of Ulster, a failed political agenda where Irish land was violently siezed by UK forces and people.

    The partition of IReland was, once again, done under duress by the uk, as if they hadn't done enough damage.  

    Long before the IRA, the planters were killing off irish by the hundreds, this continued after the partition. Alan M seems to have selective memory of his facts and history, because his position is indefensible.

    Maybe Alan can explain this term 'British'. Remember, it's not the same as a 'Briton' (someone from the island of Britain).

    Oh, it's Friday 13th, hense Alan's unwelcome appearance

  26. what rubbish!!  the protestant population in the north wish to remain British...and until they demand otherwise..that's the way it will stay!!

  27. Many people don't make the distinction between "British" and "Under British control".  That's wrong, yes, but in the world today people just take the easiest way, the most convenient definition.

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