
Why do most people work randomly when established rules are there for leading them to follow in the society?

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Why do most people work randomly when established rules are there for leading them to follow in the society?




  1. I don't think most people work randomly when established rules are there for leading them to follow in the society. In any situations, any business, any life, there are definitely similarities but no two situations, businesses, lives are ever exactly the same. Therefore, what works for one situation, etc may not necessarily work for the other. You can apply the same rules, concept, policies, etc but they can never give you exactly the same solution, answers.


  2. In my opinion, only some people really work randomly. Otherwise, people have their own way of working, their own style also. In total, for the third person the result will look random. I would say this is because of the individuality of people and tough to change it. And not required to change also.

    We cannot make all people to think alike. They think on their own and do their work. Natural...

    Rules in society... yes still people find some freedom within the framework of the guidelines. At instance they violate the rules. This will differ from place to place.

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