
Why do most pot smokers who get busted for marijuana continue to use it afterwards?

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Is Pot really worth sacrificing a good job and future for?




  1. when i graduated from a military academy i made sure that any job that i was going to go for didn't have anything more than an initial drug test.  no random drug testing!!!  i like to go home and poke a little smot. as long as i take care of my responsibilities, nobody has the right to tell me that going home and getting high sometimes to relax is a bad thing.  

      its safer than drinking and cheaper too!

  2. same as crack heads who keep using

    they are hooked

  3. ok, first of all, marijuana is NOT addictive, so those of u who refer to it as being the same as crack are uninformed idiots.  

    Second, we view the government's attack on marijuana as unjust; we strongly believe that pot should be legal so we wouldn't have to sacrifice a good job.  When we get busted it is just the government trying to brainwash us into stopping what we are doing, but we know that they are wrong about this, and we will never stop.

  4. "Why would a country continue to fight, even after they lost the battle at ____"?

    Yeah, you're right: they should just drop their rifles and give up...pfft.

    You need a serious reality check, maybe go watch Braveheart of something.

  5. Is pot really bad enough that people should get busted for it?

    It's a fight against this BS law we've come up with. If you do your research you'll find out that the Gov't didn't care if we smoked pot, George Washington grew hemp, and everything was fine until immigration got out of control back in the day. The gov't thought it would be a good idea to outlaw what the immigrants were carrying, instead of the immigrants themselves. The Hispanic population brought Marijuana with them, even though it was already here..and that was the downfall for Pot.

    Don't blame the Hispanic population though, their ancestors aren't alive anymore, and neither is ours. The people that outlaws pot aren't alive :( Only the people who blindly follow in their parents footsteps keep it alive.

  6. You perceive from a false assumption. You could easily ask the same of alcohol users. You're letting yourself be blinded by media educed paranoia. It's a harmless substance if used in moderation but most people under the age of 35 don't have the ability to exercise self control let alone think for themselves.

  7. Who knows. As you steted just one bust can blow your entire future. I think it it might be something to do with using brain cells to get away with something...... instead of using them to become successfull.

    There is some some sort of inhererant mental weakness.

    There is something called the Darwin Awards. It details those who are stupid enough to take themselves out of the gene pool.  

  8. ITS A DRUG!!!!!!!!!

    What other reason. They have to use it. just like nicotin.

    Its more important that thier jobs or family.  

  9. Marijuana is actually a peace drug. And if it was legalized it could replace alot of the prescription medications . as far as pain meds and nerve meds and many others. Prescription meds are alot worse then marijuana is . there are deaths all the time from prescription meds. but not Marijuana . i dont smoke it only because it isnt legal .but i wish it was then i could throw away all these medicine bottles . that i know are slowly killing me .  

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