
Why do most ppl think that muslims are criminals?

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in every religion there are criminals i mean in christianity, i always see criminals on the newspaper. jews kill incconcent kids in the streets i mean i waz almost killed by a jews i waz walkin with some friends and a tank just came by and they were like u have to be in the house in 5 minutes i mean do u think its fun living this way?




  1. At this juncture in time Islam is under attack and battling to retain power and influence in its own homeland. The problem is further exacerbated by economic emigres fleeing devastated motherlands for salvation and becoming embroiled in a hypocritical web of living in the country assaulting and destroying their nations back home ...

    Those under attack by evil fighting for survival and defending their territories are portrayed as the antagonists by the perpetrators of the criminal invasion, political media spin doctoring at its worst ...

  2. It's not about you. It's about them. They're the military. They're equally ******-up posse everywhere: Making unreasonable demands, intimidating, abusing power, using excessive force and so on.

    Are you from Israel?

  3. you ever hear  of  the  korah  - allah - hamas

    allah was hatefull - them muslims who flew in the towers it n.y.

    did it for allah

  4. 1.   Media maligns Islam

       1. Islam is without doubt the best religion but the media is in the hands of the westerners who are afraid of Islam. The media is continuously broadcasting and printing information against Islam. They either provide misinformation about Islam, misquote Islam or project a point out of proportion, if any.

       2. When any bomb blasts take place anywhere, the first people to be accused without proof are invariably the Muslims. This appears as headlines in the news. Later, when they find that non-Muslims were responsible, it appears as an insignificant news’ item.

       3. If a 50 year old Muslim marries a 15 year old girl after taking her permission, it appears on the front page but when a 50 year old non-Muslim rapes a 6 year old girl, it may appear in the news in the inside pages as ‘Newsbriefs’. Everyday in America on an average 2,713 cases of rape take place but it doesn’t appear in the news, since it has become a way of life for the Americans.

    2.   Black sheep in every community:

    I am aware that there are some Muslims who are dishonest, unreliable, who cheat, etc. but the media projects this as though only Muslims are involved in such activities. There are black sheep in every community. I know Muslims who are alcoholics and who can drink most of the non-Muslims under the table.

    3.   Muslims best as a whole:

    Inspite of all the black sheep in the Muslim community, Muslims taken on the whole, yet form the best community in the world. We are the biggest community of tee-totallers as a whole, i.e. those who don’t imbibe alcohol. Collectively, we are a community which gives the maximum charity in the world. There is not a single person in the world who can even show a candle to the Muslims where modesty is concerned; where sobriety is concerned; where human values and ethics are concerned.

    4.   Don’t judge a car by its driver:

    If you want to judge how good is the latest model of the "Mercedes" car and a person who does not know how to drive sits at the steering wheel and bangs up the car, who will you blame? The car or the driver? But naturally, the driver. To analyze how good the car is, a person should not look at the driver but see the ability and features of the car. How fast is it, what is its average fuel consumption, what are the safety measures, etc. Even if I agree for the sake of argument that the Muslims are bad, we can’t judge Islam by its followers? If you want to judge how good Islam is then judge it according to its authentic sources, i.e. the Glorious Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith.

    5.   Judge Islam by its best follower i.e. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh):

    If you practically want to check how good a car is put an expert driver behind the steering wheel. Similarly the best and the most exemplary follower of Islam by whom you can check how good Islam is, is the last and final messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Besides Muslims, there are several honest and unbiased non-Muslim historians who have acclaimed that prophet Muhammad was the best human being. According to Michael H. Hart who wrote the book, ‘The Hundred Most Influential Men in History’, the topmost position, i.e. the number one position goes to the beloved prophet of Islam, Muhammad (pbuh). There are several such examples of non-Muslims paying great tributes to the prophet, like Thomas Carlyle, La-Martine, etc.

    Islam is embraced by so many humans in all centuries because it is the Truth and it provides practical and comprehensive solutions to problems of humankind. Islam not only teaches good things but also shows practical ways of achieving that state of goodness.

    Your surprise regarding many people embracing Islam is justified. Today, though Islam happens to be the fastest growing religion in the world, it also happens to be the religion about which people have maximum number of misconceptions. This is largely because of the virulent propaganda by the media about Islam.

    A Christian surveyor, Professor Edward reported in the Time Magazine of April 16, 1979 that in a span of 150 years, from 1800 CE to 1950 CE “over 60,000 books have been written against Islam by the Christian West.”  Now, it is questionable, who has initiated, nurtured and collected the hatred which you have referred to, the Muslims or the Christian West?

    Many are surprised that despite such propaganda being made against Islam, it still happens to be the fastest growing religion in today’s times. It is so, on the merits of its superior and noble teachings. Says Allah swt in the Glorious Qur'an:

    “They (the non-Muslim enemies and critics of Islam) plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah”.

    (Al-Qur'an 8:30)

    The terrorist acts attributed to Muslim suspects, should not be attributed to Islam or the Muslims in general but to individual human weaknesses. Such human failings occur among all religious and ethnic groups.

    Quran ch :5 v32.If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.

    Blood Money (Ad-Diyat) [83:10] Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "The biggest of Al-Kaba'ir (the great sins) are (1) to join others as partners in worship with Allah, (2) to murder a human being, (3) to be undutiful to one's parents (4) and to make a false statement," or said, "to give a false witness."

  5. Dont read or watch the news too much do you

  6. Some Muslims are criminals.  So are some Christians and some atheists.  

  7. criminals come from all walks of life. the terms Muslim and criminal are not synonymous.

    not all terrorists are Muslims and not all Muslims are terrorists. not all christians are anti g*y bigots and not all anti g*y bigots are christians. not all jews kill innocent kids in the streets and not all kid killers are jews.

    you can NEVER generalize. it's illogical and ignorant.

  8. So, you live in Israel then? There is a curfew there, because Muslims are murdering Israelis.  Muslims live by antiquated religious rules which have been banned in most countries. That's why you are thought to be criminals. AND, if you are out after curfew, you are, indeed, breaking the law

  9. Most people don't think that..

  10. I Ihate people  that judge by race or religon. I have never done this i even have atheist friends.

  11. September 11.

    Also, the fact they shoot guns in the air & celebrate whenever America or Israel has some defeat.

    The rallies muslims throw where they burn American flags & carry signs saying "Death to America & Jews".

    The fact that the news rarely shows any Muslims standing up to their militantly-minded Jihad Muslim factions.

    THESE are some of the reasons why.

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