
Why do most recycling places only take plastics 1 and 2?

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There are so many types of plastic... It's such a waste to only be able to recycle 1 and 2. I know there are different things in each type, but I don't see why they can't just be melted together or something?... Is there a place we can take our other numbers of plastic [3-7 or something]?




  1. When a city recycles plastic, what it does is separate out the plastics by type, then shreds the plastic and sells it as a raw material (or they sell the bundles to a larger recycler that shreds it and sells it.)   For many plastics, it is more expensive to sort it and shred it than it is to just use virgin materials.  For these plastics, there is no market for recycled materials.  

    In other words, the city could sort it and shred it, but they would need to get such a high price for it that no one would buy it.  

    So its just not cost effective to take and separate these types of plastics.

    You can't just melt all the plastics together.  Each type of plastic has very specific qualities.  In the same way that you can't just melt all your metals together and then use them to make a new aluminum can or a new steel girder, you can't just treat plastic as "plastic" - you need to treat each material as a separate commodity.

    Good question.

  2. differnt types of places take different things e.g. bottle tops

    they like the tops to be taken off bottles to enable them to be crushed more easily so they occupy less space. however if u feel that u want to recylce ur tops too you could take then to a charity that is collecting them, this will enable them to collect hunderds and thousands of them so that they can swap tehm for cash for the charity.

    heres a few charties that i have found that collect them:

    The Rose Road Association, a charity which provides services for young people with disabilities in the Hampshire area has been accepting them but will not be accepting milk bottle tops after 30th September 2007. However the company that recycles them are happy to receive them on Rose Road's behalf, however they must be sent directly to the recyclers at Associated Polymer Resources (APR), Wrens Farm, Castle Lane, North Badesley, Southampton, SO52 9LY. They must not be sent to Rose Road's offices.

    Gift of Sight is another Southampton charity collecting plastic milk bottle tops with APR. Like Rose Road they have a collecting bin at ARP's depot at Wren's Farm, but also have a bottle top bin at Southampton General Hospital outside the entrance to Eye Casualty. See for more details

    If you wish to collect them for recycling there is a company that recycles them, G.H. Services – Recycling who are in Portsmouth. They have a minimum quantity which they will accept for payment, however they have told us that they are happy to accept small amounts of milk bottle tops on behalf of charities, which we will keep on file and they will inform groups every 2 months how their total is mounting up and send them a newsletter. To find out more visit

    I hope this helps!

    Adrieanne x

  3. Because they are the most common types. You can bring plastic types 3-7 to a recycling center. I really appreciate your effort to recycle. =)

  4. Because they are the most profitable ones to recycle.

  5. because of the types of plastics they dont take anything els

  6. our community, Va Peninsula Public Service Authority, only recycles #1 & 2. I think it is due to the cost to process the others although I don't know the details.

    It does seem to be a waste, but to mix them (melt) together would just contaminate them. Due to their molecular properties the compatibility is very different. #1 is pete, which of course is finer, for lack of a better adjective. #2 is hdpe - higher density polyethelene.

    Surely they will welcome cheaper and more efficient means to process the others... any ideas?

  7. Hello

    Plastic Bags/Plastic Caps/Plastic itmes are taking for Recycle.

    Here in India, all other items are going for Recycle.

    1.Oil Tin and Oil Can/Jerry Cans

    2.Gunny Bags

    3.All metal items like Tape/Pipe/Rods/Damaged widnow/Aluminium Frame/Brass/SS/Iron Tape/

    4.Old Paper/Books/Old Cartoon Boxes

    5.Old Clothers for Resales or for making thick Mat ( For Sleep)

    6.Old Chappel/Shoes

    7.Haris in Sallon

    8.Damaged Bags/suitcase

    9.Damaged Toys/Cycles

    10.Milk cover/Oil cover (polypropylene)

    11.All type of Bottles/glass items

    Many items sent for Recycle pupose

    Please write for more. Send e.mail

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