
Why do most teachers treat kids like their stupid?

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Why do most teachers treat kids like their stupid?




  1. Because they ask stupid questions.

  2. I've found, from a life-time of experience, that most teachers probably don't want to be there. They want the pay check; not much else. So they treat kids however they want because they don't care about them.

  3. It depends on what you mean.

    If they explain things in over simplified ways, it's because many of your classes are made up of low performing or special ed. students and the teacher has to make sure everyone is on track.

    If they treat you like a baby, and don't give you much freedom, it is because some students choose to behave really, really badly when let out of the teacher's sight for even just a moment, and the teacher is responsible for their behavior while they are assigned to his/her classroom. It is easier to give no one freedom than to get fired because a student chooses to misbehave.

    An example: My son was allowed, as a 16 year old, to go to another room with other students to practice a play or something. While there, he decided (like an idiot) to poke a paperclip into one of the electrical outlets (because he really thought that the teachers, and his parents, were treating him like he's stupid by telling him that something bad would happen...he didn't believe it). While he was stupidly doing that, another student was stupidly locking everyone inside the room, as a prank. Well...when my son stuck the paperclip in the socket...the wall caught on fire. Now, there were 6 or 7 students locked in a room that had caught on fire...get the picture? Luckily, they were let out by a quick thinking adult.

    But, the teacher got in some serious trouble....all because she expected 16 year-olds to know how to behave.

    Granted, not all students misbehave...but how is an adult to know which ones will?.

  4. you are so right.  

  5. stress:there must be some person in their lives that are making stress that will be passed on to them

  6. I have your exact problem..

    two of the teachers at my school.. ones that i really don't like!!

    treat me like a 2 year old!!!.......

    it's so annoying!!!!  

  7. Simply because stupidity is not far from the heart of kids!

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