
Why do most white American women/girls seem so cold? with very little sensual desire?

by  |  earlier

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is it because they experience romance and s*x at early ages and just lose their "feelings" once they reach their 20's and 30's? or the western media just depletes them of real feelings and desire?

Many don't even look at you to aknowledge or greet you when you pass by them and if you make eye contact to show interest, they just look away like you are a tree or something...




  1. I think it is because in America it is fashionable to try to be part of "a man's world" as far as work goes. A lot of women in the process of trying to be the best forget they are a woman and choose to ignore their emotions because men don't show them so why should they?  I think it is just part of the fight for power.

  2. this is a matter of opinion and is a very big assumption. it is extremely offensive to some, and makes you sound very ignorant. comments of this caliber is how ignorant mind frames and decay in societal structures are started. you should be more careful about the tings you say. I'm sure you wouldn't like to be put into categories that demeans and insult you.

  3. uhm so your saying its just americans ??

    and not blacks just whites?

    oh + i think its just you.

  4. American women always have one thing on their mind: money.

  5. The majority of men in America do not treat women like the precious jewels they are.  American women aren't stupid, so they aren't as willing to waste their time on just anybody because so many guys are just looking for an easy sexual encounter.  It's not that they are cold, or have no sensual desire, they're just choosy-- as they should be.

    As for greeting on the street, especially in cities, nobody greets you on the street unless they know you.  I find it weird if somebody I don't know says hello to me on a city street.

  6. It's the way they were raised...pretty sad isn't it?

  7. you have met the wrong women!

  8. I don't mind being cold at all. I am just not that friendly to strangers and it has absolutely nothing to do with "sexual encounters." This is my personality and I like it.

  9. they just think you just want to have s*x with them. like most men do.

  10. i don't know, i think it is because they think that being rude or mean is attractive....i'm a married woman and this is bothers me

    my mother raised to the smile whenever i meet someone's eye, i'm sure most people just think i'm crazy, but its the nice thing to do :)

  11. Maybe it's you, do you look creepy or leer at them? Perhaps the way you greet them seems like you are hitting on them. I find the general public usually acts that way, not just women.

    There are a lot of freaks out there and sometimes making eye contact with one of them may give them the wrong impression.

    So just go about being a gentleman, hold a door, say hello. I think many women still appreciate that.

    Edit: beware of crybaby emails from this one.

  12. Well duh, most PEOPLE(not just white woman) in America aren't gonna talk to a stranger walking down the street, didn't your mother every tell you that? How many whiteAmerican woman do you know personally that act cold?

  13. maybe you are onto something about how they are introduced at an early age to s*x, but not romance.  young girls are targeted sexually here and a lot of men are not attracted to women in their own age group.  women are pressured to either be like men or to be a woman and keep quiet.  alternatively there is little or no pressure for men to be gentleman or respect women.  clearly in this situation the men are not exactly prizes, either.  it is a challenge to maintain a positive outlook.  

    however.  if you are in a city or a crowded suburban area, culturally people don't really say hello or act friendly to strangers.

  14. It's just you.

  15. You have not met the right  ones.............

  16. Most American women dont greet strangers walking down the street. Does this happen in other countries?!

    If you want to meet women making eye contact on the street is not the way to go. Joining a club or class or church is a good way to meet people in a less scary manner

  17. those girls are like that because of how their parents teach them how to act. It has nothing to do with race. somethimes the media and movies can be so stereotypical about stuff like this.

    and besides.....  not all white american females act like this.

    you should not give eye contact to a stranger like that because you have know the person really well.

    because I get creeped out when a stranger guy does that to me!

  18. who knows man, who knows

  19. Dude ---- you must have a lot of pimples.

    Your question sorta indicates a "personal problem" to me, and not one with the "American Woman".

    Your "presumptions" are  based upon  your own experiences and do not apply to others who have no difficulties in getting to "second base"--- or perhaps a "home-run".

    Redefining your style , with a tune-up --"shaken, not stirred" -- might improve your score-card results.

    Have a nice day ------            


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