
Why do most whites seem to think that blacks are always overacting when they consider ....?

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somethings to be racist?




  1. Because all black people talk about is slavery, every person that b*tches and whines about slavery, wasn't a slave, they aren't old enough to have been a slave. I have never heard a Jewish person going around complaining that they can't get a job and their life sucks because of what the Germans did. And what the n***s did to Jewish people was way worse than slavery.

  2. Because they don't believe in racism. Just like dumb people who think there were no more cases of genocide after the holocaust.

    Why would they want to mess up the blue skies and sunshine of their imagination?

    To face the truth would be painful. Most can't be honest with themselves, so why would they show "the enemy" the truth.

    But not all whites are like that. Tim Wise is an amazing white man. I have so much respect for him.

  3. They often are.

  4. Because no matter WHAT whites say, even if it even says 'blacks' in it and some other word that is even slightly negative in the same paragraph, someone is always gonna play the race card. It doesn't matter who though.

  5. most of the time, they are. like the rebel flag or a white barbie doll! its just silly. if white people had an all white t.v. chanel, or a white history month, black people would go crazy. do you know how many black comedians there are who dog white people in every single act? and most of the time, we are all they talk about, or joke on. we are made out to look like stupid rednecks. but, i dont get offended, b/c its all in fun. i dont get offended and say its racist about BET. or black history month. or when some black people refer the bad guy, as "the man", they are talking about a white man. people just need to grow up. and like someone has said, about the whole slavery thing. i dont get upset when people took my ancestors land away from them. the native american indians. i dont get upset when people say that all indians are good for is running a casino and growing corn! no matter what race you are, something bad has happened in the past. you cant expect to get reperations, or people to kiss YOUR @$$. you gotta get past it, and grow up.  

  6. Oh, boy!

    White people talk about black people.

    Black people talk about white people.

    Most of their speak are not truth about each others..

    We all are humans.

    Is that hard to understand?

    I hope it does helps you understand it.

  7. since they always throw out the race card for every situation, it's hard to take them serious. they really just need to grow up..........

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