
Why do most women claim to be curvy?

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Whether they are built like a 12 year old boy, or Buddha, most women think they are "curvy". My Aunt said she is and she has got to be 250 pounds. Why the denial? Do you think you're curvy?




  1. It puts a positive spin on being fat/slightly overweight.

    People want to be "curvy" because all the people who don't want to be skeletal want an hourglass shape and this is clearly a curvy shape.

    Although some people say they are when they aren't, there are some people who genuinely are "curvy."

  2. Nowadays being fat is not allowed and is seen as a bad thing. Lots of people who call them selves curvy are but quite often not in the "right" places. Its the sort of the same as someone who is short calling themselves petite or someone who is fat does not wear fat clothing but plus size. It masks the blunt truth and says it in a nicer, more tactful way.

  3. 34F, 25, 34- My statistics...Do you think I am curvy?

  4. What? Depends on her body & BMI stats.

  5. Now why would I tell you that?  What and have you tell me I'm in denial; when I know for a fact that I am; no way in China.  Keep your post to yourself.

  6. I do think I'm curvy.

    However, you may think is an incredibly relative term, and I have been called too skinny, fat, and everything in between

    None of which phases me or alters my self perception or body image

  7. ermmm at least shes confident and not insecure like most women today...

  8. I think women who are large or even chubby say that their curvy because that is the kindest and sexiest way they can describe their bodies.

    i do think i'm curvy, because of my small waist, but you might disagree.

  9. I have an hour glass figure, if that's not curvy then what is? It doesn't mean I am fat. I don't have rolls of fat or wobbly bits or skin hanging over my clothes. I am large breasted small waisted and probably have wider hips then other women but thats more to with the width of my pelvis. I am the right weight for my height I AM curvy. Sorry if that p!sses you off.

  10. Women are wired a bit differently from men.  They see what they want to see.

  11. I blame it on the "you go girl" mentality created by the, "real women have curves" and "big is beautiful" B.S. pumped out by the girly talk shows and such.

    You know if Oprah tells a 5' 4" gal that weights 165 she is beautiful and "curvey " it must be true ,Right ?

  12. Because they don't want to admit to being fat, it is denial and saying im curvy sounds more attractive then saying im a obese sweaty heffa

  13. curvy is mostly a euphamism for obese.

    It's supposed to mean that a woman has big titts and big hips, but skinny everywhere else.

    A woman is no longer curvy when eveyrthing blurs together in an apple shape.

    An hourglass is curvy.  An apple is not.

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