
Why do most women dislike men who have been raised in a feminist way ?

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Lamenting where "all the real men" have gone and that they want a real man and not the "battered son of a feminist".

What exactly is the problem here, do women dislike in practice something that sounds good in theory, or has only the loud feminist minority been heard on the issue ?




  1. OUCH!  Don't mess with the Rose today it's thorny.

  2. Women involved with "feminist men" never get the pleasure of feeling dominated.  Subconciously, women want to be dominated sometimes.  They'll never admit it, but it's true.  Modern feminism is a call/challenge to men to STEP UP our dominance.  Modern feminism is the twisted way women today are asking us men to grab them and pen them to the floor and...hahahahahahaha!

  3. I like androgynous, girly men.

    Say what you will, at least I'm consistent.

  4. A feminism is not a good thing, that's why. Women's liberation is wonderful and not degrading to men. Feminism at its core is nothing short of mental castration to every male that's had to endure its indoctrination.

  5. I agree, women have indeed shot themselves in the foot on this issue.

  6. I don't know what you are calling a "real man"... for me, a "real man" is a guy who treats me with respect, who recognize I am a human being with goals and wishes to pursue as valuable as his.

  7. I have no idea of what your talking about.  I think the real men are men that can still do all the manly things but are softer.  At least when my spouse is softer with me.  I love that he can cook and clean and doesn't see that as only my job. However when I am home I love doing it for him.  I love that I am not single because I have a disability that would probably have made me a less desirable partner in the 1950's but today when I am having a bad day he takes care of me as I would him.  If the wife is happy the husband is happy and the marriage is strong.

  8. I am yet to meet one intelligent women who dislikes men who have been raised in a feminist way. There is really no problem here.

  9. I've never heard of anything like that. I love feminist guys, I think it only makes them sexier and more intelligent if they can support the rights of a group they don't belong to.

  10. I've never met any men who were raised in a "feminist" way; I would certainly feel sorry for a man who wasn't proud of being a man, if that's what you mean.

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