
Why do most women not notice their emotional dependence.?

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Nicole Kidman is one woman that i can think of that gave up on her previous relationship and began a whole new family with someone else. Now I know it takes two to break up, but I don't understand where the dignity goes from being able to just pick up and go. Please don't be offended by this question it is not meant to offend.




  1. Are you kidding?

    Guys 'pick up and go' all the time!! It's very odd that you single out this one very strange example you have! Tom Cruise left Nicole for starters, and that was 10 years ago! Why shouldn't she move on??

    Strange question!

  2. Nicole Kidman's husband, Tom Cruise left her for another woman - Penelope Cruz.  Nicole was lucky to find another person to marry.  Love is hard to find.  I don't know what Nicole Kidmnan has to do with your original question, but no adult should be completely emotionally dependent on another person.  That is not a good psychological condition.

  3. Your question doesn't make sense.  On one hand, you whine that women can so easily pick up and leave.  On the other hand, you ask why women do not notice their emotional dependence.  That may be where your problem is.  Also, men tend to be prone to more emotional dependency disorders than are women.  Men abuse drugs and suffer from addictions and obessive compulsive behaviors and impulsive personality disorders than do women.  And, men take longer emotionally per research, to recover from divorce than do women.  It's probably better to view the difference between men and women in this matter not from the male ego-centric perspective that women's emotional dependency behaviors fall short of some male-based Gold Standard of what emotional dependency behaviors are "correct" but rather from the perspective that women have of men in which higher than female male emotional dependency levels in many men indicate extreme immaturity, poor character development, ego-fragility, low self-esteem and hypersensitivity.

  4. Seems like Tom is the one with the emotional dependence....So are alot of guys. I don't know how many times I had to change my numbers after I told them that it wasn't going to work out.

  5. She gave up?  I don't think you got the story straight.     She got pushed out of her previous marriage.     After that what was she supposed to do - sit home the rest of her life - while ex hubby went on had a baby and got married.

  6. The women that do that have to deel some remorse I know I would. It is just a way of trying to move on.

  7. Probably for the same reason that men don't notice their alarmingly fragile egos.

  8. Unfortunate example. You're getting nailed on Nicole Kidman, and that isn't really what your question is about.

    Emotional dependence isn't gender specific. Your question indicates a narrow perspective. A lot of people know they're emotionally dependent, and they find creative ways to deal with it. The ones who aren't aware go through multiple relationships until they figure it out -- or they pay a lot of money for therapy.


  9. OMG You dork, he left her and got with Penelope Cruz right away (possibly before they split). She stayed single for a long time afterwards. Now she's married and just had a baby. Tom Cruises kid is like 2 or 3. Where'd you get this?

  10. I think Nicole Kidman handled being pushed aside with great dignity. She did not whine about it to the press and as far as I know, she has never said anything about her ex-husband. If anything, I think he was a clod for dumping her as abruptly as he did. I've heard rumors that the reasons he did it was because she never became a Scientologist herself and the fact her father is a psychiatrist really bothered the leaders of the group. Scientology frowns down on psychiatry.

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