
Why do motorcycle gangs/groups get police escorts on the highway?

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I always noticed when there are a lot of bikers there are normally police driving in front of or behind them. Why is that?




  1. simple, The police would rather be there and reduce accidents, traffic or trouble then to have 3,ooo motorcycles try to run redlights ect un controlled.

    Most are for charity rides and made up of multi groups

  2. Its to keep soccer moms from killing the riders by cutting in the formation, or driving through them at turns.

    Chick in a Mercedes ran over a biker in Toys For Tots, a few yrs ago because she was too fkn important to wait like everyone else.

  3. It's usually a charity ride of some sort. The organizers let the police know ahead of time, and then the police can get them safely along their away.

  4. Read the jackets or Tshirts on those riders, see if there's a common message like "Bikers for Jesus" or some such.

    Lots of perfectly law-abiding citizens just love to get together and ride, but you'd be surprised to hear how many of those folks, no matter how badass they might look, are really softies.  They'll put together an ersatz parade for a charitable cause at the drop of a hat.

  5. To keep stupid teenagers on their cell phones and not pay attention from running them down.

  6. It's probably an organized charity run of some kind. The police escort is for rider safety, they block traffic so the pack of bikes can all exit a gas station into traffic, for example. If you have more than about 25 motorcycles, intersections and gas stations can be a real hassle. The officers are being paid by the organizers or the city is donating the time to the charity event. Don't worry, tax dollars aren't being wasted.

  7. It IS for charity... cops don't escort gangs...  and FYI usually d**n good charities... womens shelters, abused kids shelters, sometimes local for a family whose kid has leukimia, sometimes national for breast cancer, toys for tots, heros in uniforms etc. I've ridden in ones of 70 with no police (skilled riders in the event cover intersections) and over 300 with 14 bike cops in the event and every intersection covered by a cruiser (patrol car). And by the way... to the harley bashers (with NO disrespect to riders of other brands) it has been my experience that the OVERWHELMING support for these runs comes from HD riders.

  8. If it is a Harley club the escort is because of the many breakdowns they have causing a traffic hazard.

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