
Why do mushrooms grow in the yard?

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Why do mushrooms grow in the yard?




  1. Here's the truth behind mushrooms.  Mushrooms that are randomly distributed throughout the lawn are the top of a good fungus which grow when soil conditions are optimal.  So this means you have a decent yard.  However if they are arranged in distinct circles it is known as the fairy ring fungus which there is NO fungcide that treats this.

    So treating your yard with a fungicide is a waste of time since they don't do anything for the bad fungus.  Just pick them or mow them over.  

  2. other than the already mentioned 'fairy ring', mushrooms are no big deal.... they are usually found either in the mulch in a flower bed , or if in the lawn, they're likely coming from buried old tree roots or trunks that are rotting away.. the fungi help with that process.... as long as the decaying wood is under the soil surface, the mushrooms will appear on wet warm cloudy days.... we use ours for putting practice and sometimes a little nine-iron shot or two.... just keep them picked or scooped or slammed so that the kids and pets don't get to them.... hot and dry  days will stop the production....they really are a signal that things are good and working as they should in your soil....

  3. Mushrooms come from spores, and they also love cool damp dark places.  You will find them in wooded areas, forests, and in your yard in areas that have the growing medium that they like.  

  4. there are spores in your yard

  5. You must have a lot of shade or damp soggy soil. Our back yard is open to sun and no mushrooms. Our front is all shade and we have them out there. In early spring you should spray a fungicide to reduce the mushrooms. What you have might even be called "Toad Stools",

    large heads kinda short to the ground. It is very important not to let your kids, grand kids or animals l**k or eat them for they are very toxic.

    You can check out Cornell or Purdue Universities web sites to find out more. Good luck.

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