
Why do my Gerbils Have s*x When There Both Boys ?

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I got my gerbils for xmas last year and my dad wanted them to be both boys so they would not be sexually active and have babies. well about a couple of months ago ive seen that one of the gerbils the grey one likes to be behind the white one alot and the white one keeps running away from hte grey one (as if to say stop it) i imediatly seperate the grey one in my hand when he does this as the white one runs off). i was wondering are they g*y or are they male and female and how do i tell as both of there bits look the same (a lil bump spot thing and grey bums) and also if there not male and female why does the grey onewant to be g*y ? and how do i stop him as i dont want to seperate them as they were ok before. many thanks claire x




  1. Im so sorry but this really  made me laugh its funny how u say one chases the other one around but if i was u i would get them a girl yea cuz i know i would be disgusted to see that i mean its not normal well i dont know its weird!

  2. They often do this for a dominance thing.

    Also with males, you can pop out the "bit" but with females you cant, its tricky to actually get the bit to pop out, but possible. This is how I made sure mine where male or female.

    I would say it was just for dominance, its very very common.

  3. They are not g*y. If they are both male then this is just "humping". Animals do this to determine the dominant male. Unless they're male and female, then get ready for alot of babies!

  4. a star for you. this one really made me laugh.  you probably dont have two males.  one male one female.

  5. there really is only one simple answer, your gerbils are g*y, if they want to be g*y, your just going to have to let them.

  6. they arent hurting anyone leave them alone

  7. Animals have s*x instinctually and its not uncommon for same s*x creatures to do that. It likely has nothing to do with being g*y but may be a dominance issue, or simply attempting to satisfy their natural drive to procreate even when an appropriate mate isn't available.

    If they are both male, they aren't harming anything so let 'em do their thing. If you determine they are opposite s*x then the female may be pregnant already, but you might want to go ahead and separate them in case she's not, or to keep him from going after the offspring when they are born.

    EDIT: Do some research online (search on g*y animals) and you will find that it's not uncommon in the animal kingdom for many species to have g*y or bi members. However, not all same-s*x sexual behavior indicates homosexuality.

  8. Animals "hump" each other the assert control and dominance.  I had rabbits that did this.  Unless one is hurting the other just let them be, otherwise separate them.

  9. because they are g*y clearly

  10. Maybe their g*y

  11. um....thats proply because the grey is try to have s*x but the other one proply dont wont too...

  12. I also have 2 male Gerbils. They do the exact same thing, except the other one does not run away. I don't really think that they are trying to have s*x. They are practically on top of each other all the time ( especially when they are resting ). It's not a good idea to separate 2 Gerbils that have bonded ( unless they are fighting ). Gerbils like to be with other Gerbils, and they usually will bond for life. Sometimes when mine are playing, they almost look like they are fighting, so i figure, maybe they aren't really trying to mate, they are just playing :-)

  13. It's not really anything to do with s*x, so the g*y/straight question doesn't apply.

    You have two male gerbils and it's natural that one will be dominant over the other. Sometimes they'll fight to achieve this but it's also very common for a mock-mating behaviour to sort this out. In effect, the grey one is telling the other "I'm a lot more virile than you are, I'm more determined than you to spread my genes and if we ever see a female in this cage she's mine!" Behaving in this way also keeps him sexually active and functional so that if a female does turn up he's ready to go at a moment's notice.

    There's no point in trying to stop this behaviour, it's just how things are with these two. Maybe you could put a little fake moustache and some leather pants in there for them though...  ;-)

  14. Maybe they are female and male. They are not g*y. They could be trying to be friendly. Because my two females do this all the time. And they both are females. So  maybe they are talking to each other.

  15. Film your gerbils in the act, then sell the video to a g*y p**n site.

  16. just seperate them, i dont know if gerbils can be g*y, but it is always a possabilty i suppose, or maybe hes just hornt, lol jks >_>

  17. They are rare HOMO Gerbils, normally only seen on late night MTV

  18. There g*y!!


    You know boys...horny, horny, horny

    nuf said

  20. What's your problem man ?

    First you want to stop g*y humans from getting married and now you're trying to stop g*y animals from having s*x ?

    I'd slap you with my p***s if you were here right now.

  21. its g*y

  22. They are not "g*y." Gerbils, like all animals, have a drive to procreate and will do the best he can to satisfy his need whatever the circumstances. Leave them alone so long as neither is hurting the other.

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