
Why do my Mexican friends keep refering to Eduardo Najera is a gringo???

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Every time we watch basketball,I tell them he is a Mexican man.But,they insist he is a gringo possibly Italian American.No i insist he is from Chihuaua.They insist he is a gringo.My friends are from Oaxca & Puebla.Muy Guerro,they insist.Gringo,Also the Dave's Addiction guy Dave Navvaro is Mexican from California,but they insist he is not?Why do say this??This is a serius Question.No racist remarks,please.




  1. Hello.

    Your mexican friends are from southern Mexico, they (as many gringos) think all mexicans are short and dark skin; Eduardo Najera is a white mexican from northern Mexico.

    To be a mexican is NOT to be from a specific race, there are many mixed races in Mexico. Ask your friend if they know Jalisco (specially Los Altos de Jalisco), or Sinaloa, Sonora or Chihuahua (check a map, this is from west to northwest Mexico); here white people is more than in south, we are more "criollos" than "mestizos". To keep it clear, i'm not racist, this is just a fact.

  2. Yup, I guess the only way to take them out of their ignorance is to show them a biography on line so they know you're actually right and they aren't. There are many blond people in Mexico, not only in the north, because we're already mixed with people of all nationalities. So I think they shouldn't be basing their affirmations on their looks but only on the facts, and they can find those on the net!

  3. he is mexican, in chihuahua all of the people is white and tall, the people you see with a darker skin and short is from the south (many from veracruz), as the person above said this is not a racist remark, this are facts, maybe you could take out from the internet their bio and show them to your friends

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