
Why do my YouTube thumbs and ratings not count?

by  |  earlier

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I thumb up a comment and refresh, and the count has gone to the same as before I did it- but it's gray like it does after you've already done it.

The same with ratings. They show on my profile as rated, but after refreshing the video page, the rating number ("254 ratings") is the same as before.





  1. do you have an account? if not create one!

    if you have an account then it's probably just youtube taking a while to register your actions as there's so many thousands of things happening every second on youtube

  2. yeah it dose that on mine to, it takes awhile for it to show up.. sometimes it dosent even show up..

  3. You have to wait for about 5 minutes, and then it counts your vote. It happens to me too. It shows up on your channel, and then when you refresh it, not there. Happens to everyone.

  4. YouTube doesn't update those things every second...probably because doing that for billions of videos would be too enormous!

    It should change in a couple hours.

  5. YouTube doesn't like you D:

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