
Why do my apartments need a check stub?

by Guest56264  |  earlier

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I got a note from the apartments I live in that said they needed a copy of a recent check stub. I was just curious why they would need a check stub for their records.




  1. It's unusual for them to ask for information once you've already signed a lease and have been living there. Are you new? Try asking them what they want this information for and why are they asking at this point.

  2. Prove of employment and verification of income. It also allows them to know where to contact you if you should bail on them.

  3. The landlord wants proof of your income as stated on the rental application form.  (They can also have the name and address of your employer in case they need to garnish your salary for unpaid rent).

  4. They need to verify your current income to be sure that you can pay your rent.  If you don't make a certain amount of money - they know that between your other bills and living expenses, that you might be too high a risk of not making your monthly rent payments to them.

  5. They could have just changed management companies and its the new company's policy.

    Its just another way to check your income.

    no harm in asking them specificaly why they need it after this long.

  6. The only reason they are allowed to ask that since you've been there 4 years would be if you live in subsidized housing.  

    Otherwise it's none of their business since you've already been approved to live there.

  7. Ask them , I wouldnt show them Unless my rent goes by my income other then that just as long as you are working they dont need to know how much you get and all that other information

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