
Why do my arms get stiff after i do curls

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everytime i lift weights. the next i can't stretch my harms. they kinda get to a 100 degree angle or something. what can i do to stop that. it hurts so much when i try to stretch them out. and oh yeah....i do stratch after and before i do it.

so please tell me what's going on and how can i avoid it




  1. Your muscles are healing when you lift you feel weak and need time for your muscles to heal that is why you should take a day off or do a different exercise each day

  2. Its caused by blood being pumped into the muscle. Its what is called a pump. Lifting on a schedual will keep you from getting sore allowing you to stretch out completely. Then a few hours after lifting, the pump will go away.

  3. Stretching and doing warm-ups is important before you exercise. After you are done exercising, do the stretches again.  Then after a work-out, take a vitamin e to get rid of the "free radicals" in your body.

  4. The reason for this is when curling your putting pressure on your tendans and other things like muscles. When you done your muscles and tendands do not want to contract thus causing pain in your arms. The only way to avoid this is to not let your arms bend all the way down when lifting. This may minimize it but it won't stop it. It's natural to have this pain.

  5. What do you mean by hurting? Muscular, Skin, Bone? If its muscular its cos you havent done a warmup or stretch before doing weights.

  6. Try getting more CALCIUM in your diet. Your muscles actually need calcium for contractions... so maybe you are low on it and that is the cause.

    Coral Calcium (pills)

    calcium/vitamin d pills




        * Salmon

        * Rhubarb

        * Sardines

        * Collard greens

        * Spinach

        * Turnip greens

        * Okra

        * White beans

        * Baked beans

        * Broccoli

        * Peas

        * Brussel sprouts

        * Sesame seeds

        * Bok choy

        * Almonds

  7. Take a extra day to recover or alternate. chest and arms one day, legs and abs the next.

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